Chapter 5

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Grace was speechless, Hannibal's house was extravagant and beautiful. The walls painted in cool colors and decorated with elegant furniture and paintings.

Hannibal looked grace over as she stepped inside ahead of Will. A long black dress flowing behind her.

She looked excellent, hair in an updo and not a single strand out of place, with carefully done make-up. Hannibal was impressed by her, to say the least. He was afraid she would come dressed much like Will. Who wore a dress shirt under a sweater and blazer.

He led them to the dining room to wait while he put the finishing touches on dinner.

The two joined Crawford at the large dining table. Will took a seat next to Crawford and Grace took the seat across from Will.

Hannibal stepped out from the kitchen and served them wine, before the doorbell rang, causing him to set down the bottle and go to the door.

He soon came back with a woman. As she stepped into the room all eyes were on her.

Grace looked over to Will to get a clue who this woman was, Will's face had brightened at the sight of her. Even Hannibal was smiling happily.

"Grace this is Dr.Alana Bloom." Grace stood and shook her hand.

"Grace Barker. I have no title." She laughed, attempting to joke a bit.

"Nice to meet you." She greeted plainly in response.

Alana appeared stuck up and stand-offish to Grace. The way she had spoken to Grace had a tone to it.

Grace sat back down silently. Already feeling the evening wasn't going to go over well.

She sipped on her wine trying to dull her nerves.

Hannibal again excused himself from the room, leaving the others to chat.

Grace zoned out for a moment, suddenly finding the table very interesting.

"What is it you do, Grace?" Alana asked.

Grace wasn't shocked at what she saw when she looked at Alana.

Alana had two faces.


This told Grace she wasn't to be trusted. She would appear nice to you, then gossip behind you're back. Taking secrets and telling them to people she shouldn't. Meaning she would also to pry into personal business.

"Jack told me you have a gift." She continued.

"That's confidential." Alana looked slightly offended. "Those three are the only ones to know, and it will remain that way. Won't it Jack?"

Jack nodded, noticing that Grace had suddenly put up her defenses. Meaning she saw something she didn't like about Dr. Bloom.

Hannibal returned with a serving cart and began to place the plates in front of them.

"Grilled lamb chops with Turkish grape sauce." He stood at the head of the table. "Bon Appetite."

Hannibal seated himself and everyone silently ate for a moment before Grace spoke.

"This is delicious Doctor."

Hannibal smiled at her. "Thank you, I am very glad you like it."

"Like it? I love it." She corrected.

Hannibal was very happy to hear that. After all, he had gone out of his way to go to a farm and pick out a lamb.

They all complimented the dish as they ate and made small talk.

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