Chapter 4

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"You really weren't kidding." Will scoffed as he entered the house. "This place is a mess."

"You're telling me, I spent three hours just in the bathroom."

Will grimaced. "Why didn't you ask to use mine?"

"Didn't want to impose and honestly the worst of it was the bath and floor, the toilet was surprisingly clean. The sink needs a good scrub after I turned on the tap."

"Something wrong with the water?" Will was starting to worry about his new partner and the conditions of her house.

"It got turned on this morning. It hasn't been on in years. I just had to let all the faucets run for a bit, you know to get all that nasty water out of the pipes." She made motions with her hands. "I even had to leave all the windows open because of the smell."

"That's what that is?" Will made a face, and stepped over to the living room."So what's first?"

"We need to pull the carpet up, should be easy. Literally, just have to roll it up, the last owners didn't even bother to fasten it down in any way."

Will and Grace got down on all fours and began to roll the carpet along. Stopping a moment once they got to the soot and chard covered part of the carpet.

"I take it you tried the chimney?" 

"Yeah." Grace laughed. "Didn't go over so well. Why I looked a mess yesterday."

"It could have been worse." He remarked.


"There could have been raccoons living inside your chimney." He gave his one-of-kind smiles and chuckled as Grace scoffed and shook her head.

"Can you imagine? First day on the job and I'm late, 'cause I'm off in hospital getting rabies shots. The look Jack would give!"

Will was starting to enjoy Grace's company more than he thought he would. For him as of late, she was a breath of fresh air. Positive and bright in his glooming world. 

She was relatable, they came from the same background and it made her easier to talk to than Hannibal, even Alana Bloom. 

Now he found himself wondering what Jack had planned for the two. The two were obviously connected by what they do and who they are.

Will the antisocial man and Grace the overthinking woman were partners as of yesterday.

Yet when they talked to each other their personality flaws no longer felt as if they existed.

Again they related well.

Though you may be thinking it, there was no romantic interest. Will still had his heart set on Alana and as for Grace, he had no idea who her heart belonged to.

"Let's get this next to the bins outside."

"How do you even get leaves on the top shelf of a cabinet?" Will wondered as he dropped a handful of them to the floor and stepped down from a chair.

"My thoughts exactly." Grace said as she picked up another box from the living room and began moving it to the back room past the staircase.

The two had moved all the furniture and boxes back into the living room from the hallway after pulling up the carpet, so Grace could start on the backroom first, while Will worked on cleaning the kitchen.

There came a loud knock as she stepped back into the room with Will, Grace stepped around him to answer it.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter stood outside.

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