Chapter 2

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She rubbed the back of her neck in hopes of forcing away a kink but failed in doing so.

Sleeping on the floor wasn't her idea of a fun time, wrapped in her coat in front of a dwindling fire, fueled only by a few sticks.

Thank goodness the movers were oh so timely!

Not arriving till that morning as she was just rushing out the door,  almost causing her to be late for her appointment with Jack.

It probably didn't help that she spent a good fifteen minutes in the bathroom in an attempt to clean herself up. Which hardly made a difference in her appearance.

Her clothes wrinkled from the day before, her wavy brown hair was tangled and knotted, her hazel-green eyes appeared dull and tired, which wouldn't be a lie, she was exhausted and only wanted this day over so she could go home to the many boxes of unpacked belongings.

She let a sigh escape her small frame. Being late wouldn't have mattered anyway, she had been standing here for the last forty minutes waiting.

She looked at a board in the back of the office, she wanted nothing more than to look it over and get a clue about this case, but decided better of it and wait for Jack to arrive.

"Grace." A voice sounded causing her to jump and spin around.

Jack stood in the doorway along with two others beside him.

"Hi, Jack."

"Grace this is Dr.Hannibal Lecter, and this is Will Graham. Will, Doctor, this is Grace Barker."

Hannibal was first to extend his hand. "It is very nice to meet you, Ms. Barker."

She took it and nodded. "Doctor."

Will then silently did the same.

She recognized Will right away. He was the guy who lived next door, with all the dogs. She silently wondered how the man even slept with so many of them around at night.

"Now." Jack smiled, going around to his desk." Show em' what you can do."

Grace stepped over to a whiteboard, took a black marker and began to sketch both Will and Hannibal out. Then like a gun going off at a race, she quickly began to jot down everything she could about the two.

It had only felt like a mere few seconds to her, only when Jack placed a large hand on her shoulder did she realized it had been several minutes. "You can stop now." She looked to Jack who smiled back at her, then to the bored. She had filled an entire corner full of information.

Hannibal and Will came to stand beside her as Jack backed away to his desk. For a long moment, there was silence as they read over her notes.

"You got all this from just one look at us?" Will asked astonished by the amount of detail she knew.

"Impressive, she picked apart our personality just on how we dress and hold ourselves." They all turned to look back at Crawford who had his hands steepled over his mouth.

"Where did you find this one Jack?"

"She came here from Kansas."

"Are you FBI Ms.Barker?"

"No, unfortunately." She muttered in response.

She could feel Hannibal's eyes burning into her flesh as he looked down at her. It unnerved her slightly, but she chalked it up to him being from a different culture and lifestyle. The suit he wore was custom and very well-tailored. So he had expensive taste and enjoyed the finer things in life.

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