Chapter 3

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After the day was over, everyone began to get in they're cars and head off to home.

She found herself behind Will, so far she had been behind him this entire ride. The road ahead was winding and dark and at this point, she was glad Will was ahead of her, able to see his headlights lighting the way in front of them.

This was making the road easier to navigate.

For a moment she tried fiddling with the radio but was only welcomed by static. Probably wouldn't be able to get a station this far out anyway.

Grace was forced to slam her breaks, Will had suddenly stopped his car and got out. He began making his way over to the drivers' side of her car.

She was quick to roll the window down.

"Are you following me?!"

"No, no! Of course not! I live down this way, I swear!"

"Where?" His breathing was shallow, and he was visibly aggravated.

"Next door to you actually..."

After a moment Will seemed to calm slightly and ran a hand through the side of his hair.

"Okay." He muttered before turning and going back to his car and continuing their drive home.

They both pulled into their driveway, parked and got out.

Grace made her way up the steps and was just about to place her key in the lock when Will called out to her.

"Hey!" He called nervously. "Would you like to come over and have a drink?"

"Why the hell not?" She chuckled.

Will waited at the steps of his house.

Up close she could see that Will's house was visually similar to hers, only hers stood a little taller and had a window in the middle of the upper floor, other than that both houses were the same farmhouse style.

He opened the door and Grace quickly jumped off to the side as dogs poured out.

One tried jumping on her, to which Will made a 'tsk' noise and the dog immediately stopped and went to follow the others.

They stepped inside and Will pulled a couple of armchairs in front of the fireplace before starting a fire within it.

After it took, he shrugged off his coat, took Grace's and ushered her to sit down.

She took in her surroundings once Will had left the room.

Though similar on the outside his houses' layout was completely different from hers. When you stepped in from the door there was just a large open room which happened to be the living room.

In hers, both kitchen and living room was at the front of the house. The front door directly across the staircase, that leads to the upper floor.

Will poured the glasses, handed her one and sat down in the armchair in front of her.

They drank in awkward silence.

"So didn't make it, huh?

"Yeah." He chuckled lightly.

"You know we're not the only ones with what people consider weird talents."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what you can do, like what I can do. We can deduce things so easily." She set her glass on the side table next to her. "There's this man in London, who can deduce a lot like we can, he's a genius really. So you know we're not all that alone on what we do."

"I guess that's a nice thought in a way."

"Not really."

"Yeah, not really."

Again there was silence.

"So what do you do when your not hunting down serial killers?" Grace asked.

"I teach at the academy, fix boat motors." He paused. "What were you doing before you came here?"

"I worked in a nursing home, barely making minimum wage." She rubbed her forehead. " I'm really glad Jack offered for me to come work here, that's for sure. Making quite a bit more, I mean actually enough to live on, enough for bills."

"Did you come from, uh, a poor family, too?" Will asked averting his eyes.

"Yeah, I did. But you know, always did the best with what we had."

He snorted. "Yeah."

He didn't mean it offensively, just that he understood. He heard that saying a lot from his own father. "We gotta do the best with what we got."

"What do you think of this whole therapy thing?"

"It's - It's really not that bad, I mean it could be worse. Believe me, I'm not too fond of the whole thing either. I reacted a lot like you did. But you know, whatever it takes to keep Jack happy." He added sarcastically.

"Yeah, but with our backgrounds, we can't really blame him. I don't think he has much choice."

"He's making sure his finest china doesn't break."

She looked up from her drink that Will had refilled.

Above Will's head was a halo. It glowed brightly over him.

"What are you seeing?"

She smiled widely.

"You have a halo above your head."


"Yeah, it's very nice. Definitely different from what I'm used too."

"I take it you've seen some strange things?"

"Oh, yeah." She laughed. "One time I saw this lady who had a pigeons head." She smiled as Will laughed. "Apparently the pigeon can symbolize gossip or news. Funny thing is she was a reporter."

"Then she must have had the best of both worlds in that case."

Sometime later Will let the dogs in, one settled at his feet when he sat back down, one who he called Winston.

Another leaned against her leg and gave her a sad puppy-eyed look.

Will chuckled. "You're in his chair."

"Oh, am I?" She asked, scratching the dog behind the ears, earning a loud thump of his foot sounding against the floor.

Grace stood and stretched. "I better be going anyway, I'd like to finally sleep in my bed."

He led her out and she thanked him for the drink and company.

"If you need any help unpacking, I'm free tomorrow afternoon." Will offered.

"Oh, wow! Yeah, that'd be great! I just got to run to town in the morning and pick up a few things, so totally! I'd love the help."

"One good?"

"Yeah, perfect."

She stepped down from his porch and said good-bye.

"Night Will!" She hollered as she stepped into her yard.

"Goodnight Grace!"

She unlocked her door to her house and went inside to the cold living room.

She sat on her couch for a few minutes before heading upstairs to get ready for bed, which she had yet to put sheets and blankets on.

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