Chapter 9

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Hannibal stepped into the room and stood across the table from the man.

"Hello, I am Hannibal, I just want to ask you a few questions." He looked at the chair across the table from the man. "May I have a seat?"

The man stood almost knocking over his chair. "Yeah, uh- I'm John Oliver." He greeted extending his hand, which Hannibal shook.

They both sat while Will and Grace watched from the one-way window.

"You're wanting to know about the guy, right?"

"The man who committed the murder, yes. I want you to describe as many details about him as you can, do think you'll be able to do that for us?"

"Y- Yeah, of course, but I can do you one better." John began shuffling through his pockets. "While I was waiting, I sketched out what I could remember." He handed the paper to Hannibal.

"I just wanna help, ya know? I mean that guy had to have somebody who's wondering about him."

"So do you." Hannibal meant it as a question but presented it as a statement.

"Me- nah, I mean no." He fiddled with his hands, giving the indication that he was lying. "I don't have anyone..."

"Surely not, but if you insist." Hannibal stood. "I will make sure that you are taken care of."

"U- Uh, okay thanks."

Hannibal nodded as he left the room.

Once outside he unfolded the crinkled paper, took a look at it and then handed it over to Will and Grace.

They stood together looking at the picture. A sketch of a man's face done if a faded sharpie looked back at them. 

(Credit to artist Agnes Cecile)

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(Credit to artist Agnes Cecile)

"Guess we should get this circulated and start asking around." Grace said handing the paper to Will, who took it, glancing over it once more.

Something about the man's face unsettled her. She looked back to the window to the man who had sketched it.

"I think he has a family he is lying about." Hannibal joined her while Will had left to take the paper to Crawford.

"He does." Grace looked up at him. "A wife and small daughter." 

Hannibal tilted his head in curiosity.

"Looked him up, had a D.U.I. on record. He's been missing for two years according to his wife. From what she's told me Schizophrenia runs in his family, his father had it and when he started showing the symptoms himself, he just up and disappeared. Probably didn't want his family to have to experience what that illness does to someone."

"It is a very difficult and complex illness."

Will came back with copies of the sketch and handed one to each of them. "Crawford wants us to go and ask around the area of the murder, see if anyone knows him."

They were head to the entrance of the building as a woman in her mid-thirties clutching a young child's hand bustled into the building and to the front desk.

"Must be his wife." Grace commented as they looked on.

In the area of the murder, the three had separated and started asking around about the man in the sketch. 

Will was speaking to a woman who sat outside on the stairs of her apartment building. She looked over the sketch for a moment.

"Oh, that's Tommy Jones! Of course, we always called him Little Boy. He was my boy's best friend in high school." She paused for a moment. "What did you say you were looking for him for?"

Not wanting to startle the woman out of telling him some information, Will settled with a white lie.

"We think he may be running with a bad crowd."

"You mean like a gang?"

"Yeah, something of that sort..."

"Oh, not Tommy! He was such a good boy. But my son did say something about seeing him not long ago. Said he looked quite different."

"How different?"

"Looked kinda rough, his eye was messed up, said from some kind of work accident."

"Where did your son last see him?" Will asked as he wrote down notes from the conversation. 

"A few weeks ago at some nightclub called Heaven, it's in the rougher side of town."

"Is he there frequently?"

"I wouldn't know, that's all he really said, they just caught up over a few drinks and that was it."

"Did he give any details he gave about their conversation?"

"Just that Tommy had said something about a new job and getting paid quite a bit and that he was a co-owner of the club."

"I think that's all I need. Thank you. If you keep this quiet it would be much appreciated." He added.

"Yeah, can do."

Will met back up with Hannibal and Grace a street over. 

"Get anything?" He asked the two.

"Absolutely nothing. Nobody recognizes him and if they do they're not saying anything."

"Same as her." Hannibal added.

"Guess I was lucky then." Will watched as Grace's eyes lite up. "A lady's son was friends with him in school, said he last saw him at a nightclub called Heaven and that he's also a co-owner there."

"I guess this calls for a steak out." Crawford said going over Will's notes. "Now we'll have to be sure of this, the police have already started scoping the place out."

Hannibal watched Grace across the room as she chewed on her lower lip, listening intently to Crawford.

"I'd like to catch this guy soon before word gets around that he has us looking for his ass, but I think we've accomplished enough for today. You guys go get something to eat and head back to the motel. I'll call later." He said setting the papers on his temporary desk.

"That an order?" Grace asked cheekily.

"You bet your ass it is, now go." He smiled.

The trio went out the door and stopped.

"So where to?" Will asked looking at the two.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait! 

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