Chapter Eight

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I lounged on my bed, it was Saturday and from what I knew I didn't have anything important to do at the moment. I grabbed a book before thinking better about it and picking my phone up instead. I then decided to face time Daniel.

"Hey, loser. "

"Oh my god, Jess I was just about to call you!" He screeched.

"Why? What happened?"

"So, like I was just scrolling through insta and then someone had taken a screenshot of Haywell news website and commented wow that's such a bitch move and then like-"

I sighed lost in the conversation, "Um, Daniel what happened?"


"Like, what happened? You kinda lost me."

"Oh, Haywell posted about your mom suing "

I sat up immediately. My mother was doing what?! "Daniel, what do you mean by that?"

"Jess, exactly what I mean, she's suing them for posting your ad even though I did it. "

"OHMYGOSH! Daniel, I've got to go!" I quickly hung up, and rushed down the stairs to the kitchen where I knew they'd be or more importantly her.

"Hey Princess. " My father muttered, as he read the newspaper. I glanced at the main headline, sure enough it read Mayor Sues Website Over Ad About Daughter. I was mortified.

My mother soon entered and grabbed her cup of coffee, it was just the way she liked it, bitter like her.

"Hmm, Harold, I told you I don't like sugar in my coffee. " She said, grimacing.

"Oh, did you Elle?" My father smiled, kissing her cheek.

"Yes I did." My mother couldn't help but smile, til she noticed me."Jessica, I see that you've finally decided to grace us with your presence.

"Mom." I glared at her from the kitchen as she sat at the kitchen island, drinking her bitter coffee.

"Yes?" She looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"You didn't have to sue"

"Jessica, I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. "

"YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SUE FINDYOURMATCH.COM." I yelled. She immediately stopped browsing through her mail and placed her coffee on a coaster. She had always liked everything to be perfect.

"But I did."

I rolled my eyes, in what twisted way did it make sense to sue a website, that was not at fault in this at all. if anything she could have sued Daniel for defamation, but then again, he was my best and only friend so I would rather she did not sue him or anyone else.

"Jessica, you know I'm campaigning again this year! I have too much on my plate to deal with! And it didn't seem like you and Daniel",She scowled at his name, "had it. I was just trying to help."

Sure she was, I thought, she was just trying to save face. She was just thinking of her image. She was just thinking of herself, like she always had. She would never help me, voluntarily. "No you weren't! You were trying to save face!"

"Of course, I was trying to! What do you think people think of a mayor whose daughter posts a personal ad online! Huh?! They probably think that you are some kind of slut! I am the MAYOR after all. So everything you do is important to me because it all comes back to me. So of course, I was trying to save face!" She blurted out, her face red and her eyes wide.

I looked at her,looking for the woman who had given birth to me. I couldn't find that woman. That woman would have never called me a slut. That woman would have never sued a website. That woman would have never done any of this, but she was gone, long gone. And in her place was her, a woman who gave less than two shits about me.

"Jessica. I...look I'm sorry, I should have spoken to you earlier, okay?" She walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off and began pretending like nothing had happened, as I thrust the refrigerator open in search of some milk.

"Fine, at 2 the neighbors are having a barbecue and I expect you to attend. " With that, she grabbed her coffee and left, no doubt to the solace of her office.

My father,who had been quiet throughout the whole ordeal, sheepishly placed his mug into the sink. He patted me on the back before leaving.

Great, I thought like that would help. I couldn't help but think of school. Now everyone would have more shit to talk about me. I sighed and shut the fridge. Nothing in there was edible anyway.

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