Chapter Five

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"Jess!!!" My mom yelled.

I rolled off my bed, where I'd been binge watching The 100 since 3pm yesterday. "YES, MOM!"


"GETTING READY!" I said as I hastily put my jeans on.


"OKAY, OKAY!" I popped a piece of gum into my mouth, and brushed my hair, I thought I looked decent.

"You're going to school like that?" She asked, pointing at my stained shirt, as I ran down the stairs.

"Sorry, I'll be right back." I went back upstairs and changed into a cleaner shirt.

"What about breakfast?" She glared at me, ever since the ad, my mom seemed to have gotten more of a reason to hate me.

"I'll grab an apple, gosh." I spat. My dad always said that between the two of us there was more than enough fire to burn down the amazon forest multiple times.

"Jessica, I don't need your attitude." She said, frowning.

"I'm not giving you any attitude."

"Yes, you are."

"Mom! Can you just let it go!"

"Fine." She walked quickly to her car, "Close the door after you."

I rolled my eyes and imagined her tripping and falling, it made my mood go up.

I sat in my Algebra 2 class, squirming. The glares and stares I had been getting from my fellow classmates made me uncomfortable. I tentatively raised my hand.

"Yes, Jess?" Mrs. Lemkasky asked, peering at me from under her large glasses.

"May I use the bathroom?"

"Of course, take the pass."

I hurriedly rose from my seat and grabbed the pass, the stifling awkwardness evaporated as I left. I entered the bathroom, half expecting it to be full of moody freshmen, but instead it was a group of juniors I knew way too well.

"Hey Jess or should I call you Dess for desperate?" Zoe Garber cackled, she hated it when everything wasn't about her. Her usual groupies were around her, Mallory, Jazz and Fran. I used to be like them, thinking Zoe was just the coolest but that changed when she abandoned me in high school in pursuit of becoming the most popular girl in town.

"Zoe! That's so mean." Mallory gasped, she was way too innocent for Zoe.

"Shut up, Mallory." Zoe said, she merely scowled at me one more time before leaving with her entourage.

I glanced up to the ceiling, God wherever he was I hoped he would come for me right now.

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