Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Groaning when I heard my alarm clock, I carelessly reached around to turn it off.

"Honey, wake up. Or do you prefer a bucket of freezing water..." Mom didn't have a chance to finish because I was already bolting upright. She went straight to the window and adjusted the curtains, letting the rays of the sun warm up my tan skin.

"Anak, go shower because Nick will be here in about," she paused and glanced at my alarm clock, "twenty minutes." She chirped happily and I did my best not to flinch at her tone.

Then it hit me. "Mom, you were eavesdropping last night! And he lives so close from here, he'll wait."

"No, I did not dear." I gave her an unimpressed look, "Oh, maybe I just heard a word or two... or more, but no. I was passing by your room."

"Whatever Mom, you were still listening." I told her but shrugged off the fact that my room is the farthest and my mom and dad's room came first. I smiled while rummaging through my closet, trying to find some decent clothes to wear for the first day of my senior year.

"Oh don't be too grumpy young lady, you children are the only source of excitement right now because I'm stuck here and your dad is away with our," she coughed, "business trips." I ignored her cut off sentence and she seemed to relax but stiffen again when I made a gagging noise when it dawned on me what she meant by 'source of excitement.'

"Ew mom, I didn't need to hear that. And you're creepy for listening in." I told her and smiled when I found some appropriate clothes. I threw them on the bed and turned to my mom, fighting off a smile.

"Oh... children nowadays." She muttered and walked out of my room the same time I headed for the bathroom.

I stepped in and turned on the shower, the warm water relaxing my body. Sighing, I reached for my shampoo then proceeded to grab the body soap and cleanse myself. After staying under the spray for a few minutes, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I brushed my teeth and dried myself before proceeding to my bed. I slipped on a pair of black ripped jeans and wriggled my way through half of it. Next, I donned a grey sweater and finished the look with my red Chucks.

"What is taking you so long Anderson?" I rolled my eyes when the mighty Dick, I mean Nick, barged inside my room.

"I was going to get out until you decided that it was a good idea to force your way inside my room." I calmly told him.

Since he turned sixteen, I know, why seventeen, that bloody best friend of mine became so damn surly. I tested his temper a few weeks ago. I annoyed him all day with these ridiculous questions and I swear he ended up denting my house's wall. My Dad was so close to strangling me with his bare hands, it was so funny. Imagine my fear when I thought he was gonna kiss me. But surprise surprise, his facepalm turned into a face-wall.

"Oh just suck it up and come with me." I rolled my eyes but kept up with him. I grabbed my bag from the floor and we descended the stairs, my eyes snapped up at the smell of bacon.

"Mom, we're going now." I told her and quickly picked two strips of bacon to shove them inside my mouth. The two of us went for the door.

"Okay, love you." My mom replied and I heard her whisper something along the lines of kababaeng tao which probably meant that she saw me with the bacon.

"Love you too, bye!" I shouted and marched to Nick's truck.

I hopped on the passenger seat with an irritated sigh and a scowl on my face. I turned my head to the side, the feeling of the wind caressing my cheeks was slowly calming me down.

Grey Sky { Previously, JAWS }Where stories live. Discover now