Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I opened my eyes but closed it immediately because of the brightness that engulfed my vision.

"She's awake Aunt Emma!" I heard someone yell from my left and felt my bed dip. My eyes stung and I was just too tired to try to guess who shouted.

"You know, it'd be easier to make me deaf if you howled directly at my ear." I groaned and tried to sit, my eyes still closed.

"You know... in your current state, I could let you die an undignified death on your bed but because I'm the best cousin ever, I didn't. How about that?" My eyes immediately shot open.

"You know how much I love you, dolt." I smiled, sheepish, and reached for Dylan. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a tight hug.

"So do you want to tell me why you're here?" I asked him although I already know what his answer would be.

"I have things to do," he said and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. That has been his reply every single time that I'd ask that question.

"I expected you to say that." I replied and pulled away.

Dylan was my Uncle Joe's only son. He's two years older than me. See, my dad has two brothers. An older one, Dylan's dad; and a younger one, Uncle Tim who has a daughter and a son, in fact, they're twins. That makes Dad the middle child.

"If I can only tell you why," he whispered regretfully and looked me in the eye. I can see and feel that he's struggling with something.

"Nah, just suck it up or shove it up your ass Dylan." I beamed at him. He scowled but it turned into a crooked smile.

"You have to rest, by the way. And the boys are downstairs," He told me and I furrowed my eyes in confusion.

"What time is it? Why am I not at school?" I asked him.

"Well, it's 1:30 in the afternoon and Nick said you fainted. The school nurse advised that you should take the day off. And well, you're here." He explained to me, frowning.

"I was knocked out for hours? Why did I," I stopped and began doing these weird hand movements, "You know... anyway?" I asked him and thought of why I fainted. The last thing I remember was walking down the hallways and oh- oh. Now I remember.

"Oh do ask me because I know everything." He rolled his eyes at me but continued, "The boys doesn't even know why the hell you lost consciousness. They just said you suddenly flipped shit."

"Dylan, I want to tell you something. Before I blacked out I..." I was cut off when my bedroom door flung open and the boys - Jason, Nick, Luke and Carly - came in with my Mom looking so worried.

"Are you okay, anak? Are you hurt? Does your head ache?" Mom asked in one breath.

"Yes Mom, my head aches," I stopped dramatically and she gasped, "because of all your questions. Don't worry, I'm fine. Maybe I was tired or something." I smiled reassuringly.

"That's good to hear, but do you know why you fainted?" She pressed on.

"Well, that was what I was going to say to Dylan if you hadn't just barged in my room." I said and gave the five of them a stern look.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Carly said and the others agreed. I grinned.

"So, are you gonna tell us the reason you blacked out or?" Luke questioned, I sent him the metaphorical death-inflicting daggers.

Grey Sky { Previously, JAWS }Where stories live. Discover now