Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - Sky

"Hey," I croaked out and propped myself on my elbows.

"How are you feeling, Love?" Nick asked me with a hint of worry in his voice while his hand gripped mine tightly.

"Good," I told him truthfully, "I'm quite thirsty though." I added and almost immediately, a glass of water was held in front of me by my mate.

I grinned at him, "Thank you," I muttered before chugging down the glass with urgency. After I finished drinking, he placed the glass on the table beside my bed.

A tense atmosphere fell upon us and I suddenly felt suffocated.

"Nick it's not your fault." I stated firmly and squeezed his hand. I glanced at him and sure enough, his eyes were shifting from blue to a dangerous black.

"Yes it is, if I wasn't so slow I could've gone to you sooner and those fuckers wouldn't have kidnapped and tortured you." He confessed and I watched him lift my arm and kiss the stitched wound I got from Scarface.

You still were in pain because of me, He said in my mind. I felt your pain, it's a mate thing. Mates can feel whatever strong emotion their other half feels.

"No," I spat and gave him a look.

He ran a hand through his hair before speaking, "Those guys, what did they want from you?" He asked and I felt my Wolf stirring inside of me, making my head throb a little.

I thought about my words for a second before blurting out, "That guy who I was talking to before you came in said something about showing my second ability."

"He said that he was only there to anger me up and I will soon be meeting his Alpha." I explained to him and now his eyes were changing it's color in a fast pace.

"We didn't kill him." He said and my eyes grew wide, I was instantly in a sitting position while my face showed a horrified expression and my breaths came out uneven.

"No." I whispered.

Nick climbed on the bed and he placed me in between his legs before tucking my head under his chin. He lightly stroked my hair with one hand while his other hand drew random circular patterns on my left arm.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. He's not going anywhere near you, I wouldn't allow that. We locked him up to interrogate him and find out what his real intentions are." He explained and kissed my temple, I nodded my head and relaxed under his touch.

"Are you sure that you're feeling okay?" He asked me once again and I rolled my eyes before answering.


"Are you lying?" Crap.

"Yes." I bit my lip.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, tone soft. I nodded.

"I-I killed a man today." I whimpered. His hands stilled. "I felt so much anger and pain and I didn't even see him as human anymore."

"Sky, please-"

"No!" I shouted, "Don't Nick, listen to me! All I wanted to do while inside there was end his life." He turned me around and held my head tightly with his hands.

"I saw him as something, something Nick! Who I wanted to just die die DIE!" I sobbed and he wiped my tears, "I couldn't- how could I do that? What if he had a family? A wife and," my voice broke, "and children?"

"It's not your fault and you know that!" His eyes bore into mine, "You did what you had to do. There are shades of grey. There isn't just a line between wrong and right."

Grey Sky { Previously, JAWS }Where stories live. Discover now