Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Are you sure?" I asked my pathetic excuse of a mate and eyed her body up and down, a mischievous glint in my eyes. Yes, she may be useless for me but she was still quite fit. I smirked when I saw her reaction.

"Yes," She answered, a bit breathless, "I'm sure. I've been there the whole time." She continued.

"Good. You may go now." I said nonchalantly and she whimpered, my Wolf growled in my head.

You're not to treat our mate like that! He yelled at me.

Please, I don't even want a weak imbecile as a mate. I replied.

Again, do not insult our mate. That 'imbecile' you are speaking of will be the one we will cherish forever. He told me and his voice softened at the last part, I snorted.

Not if I reject her. I inwardly smirked when I heard him growl again, but now louder, so I shut him off.

The next thing I know, my mate's arms were around my neck and she was kissing me full on the lips with too much eagerness. I responded a few minutes after when I felt her pulling away. She smiled and I mentally rolled my eyes. Even though I don't want her, I still can't deny the strong pull and desire to be with her.

Huh, might as well enjoy this for the time-being while I still don't have the one I really want to mate with. I'm quite sure she knows about her abilities by now, she wouldn't know about my bloodline and intentions though. Heck, she doesn't even know who to trust. But with me and her together, we can actually rule the whole Werewolf population in all of America with a single flick of her hand and, of course, at my command.

I smirked at that and my mate thought that I actually enjoyed the kiss - I do, kind of. She deepened our kiss but I still have one thought in my mind. How can I get her?

How can I get Sky Anderson?



"I swear if you weren't my mate-" He said.

"But I am." I replied immediately.

"- I will strangle you -"

"No you can't."

"- with my own hands!" He finished and I can almost see the veins on his head pop.

"You love me too much to do that." I smirked and pinched my right arm, I felt nothing.

"You're so difficult." He huffed and sat next to me on my bed, "Feel anything yet?" He asked, concerned.

"Nope." I answered and pinched my arm harder than before. I frowned when I realize that it was still numb.

Yes, I can't feel my right arm. I had woken up on my bed after I passed out with Olivia, Scar's mom, checking my body for damage due to the electrocution. I told her that I couldn't feel my right arm, know what she did? She stabbed my arm with a pen. Sweet thing, Scarlette's mom is.

I'm glad I only had one arm numb though, Olivia said that if she hadn't come earlier and tended to Luke and I, we might suffer temporary or even permanent paralyzation on specific parts of our body. Also, Luke's got both of his arms numb. I snickered at that and Nick stared at me like I had ten eyes.

"What?" I asked and stared at him, pursing my lips to keep from smiling.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked and raised an eyebrow at me.

Grey Sky { Previously, JAWS }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon