Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Nick released me from his side and reached for the doorknob of their front door. I looked around and saw a sleek, black car perfectly parked on the driveway, signalling that the guests have arrived. To say that I was nervous was definitely an understatement.

He opened the door and called for his Mom. Julie called back, her cheery voice came from the living room along with quieter voices in the background. We walked in and I was met by the smell of faint cinnamon.

Their house was modern but had a very homey feel to it. Walls were painted a light shade of brown, with several paintings and pictures attached to it. To my left was an arched wooden staircase but we turned right to go to the living room. A wooden, rectangular table was placed in the center of the room, three dark brown couches and a beige loveseat were around it.

"Hey, sorry we're late. Just had some small trouble." He told everyone and glanced to smirk at me. Nick's Dad sat on one of the accent chairs while his Mom sat on the armrest. The larger couch was occupied by a middle-aged couple who were smiling brightly at Nick and I, on the other small couch was Mason and the girl from school. She was sitting on his lap. I made a mental note to ask her name later.

"Sorry we're late Alpha Mason and," I trailed off, looking at the grown-ups who held amusement in their eyes. "-parents." I finished awkwardly, biting the insides of my cheeks. I stopped when I heard a hearty laugh coming from, I think, was Mason's Dad.

"It's Dave. My name is Dave, Ms. Anderson." He said and offered me a smile, "And this is my mate, Lisa." He finished and looked at his mate who then spoke.

"Very beautiful." She complimented and I smiled at her.

"No honey, she's not a doll and you will not dress her up." He said with a firm voice and Lisa pouted like a child, Dave just turned his head away. I snickered and everyone laughed.

Nick and I proceeded to sit on the remaining couch. I thought it would be weird if I made Nick stand behind me, knowing that we're acting as mates. So I left him when he planted himself on the chair first. I rolled my eyes and squeezed myself beside him. The chair, clearly not made for two people, was snug. Half of my ass was on his thighs and he was quietly laughing behind me.

Dave cleared his throat. "This is my son, Mason and his mate Alex." He nodded at the couple, I awkwardly looked at Mason and smiled at Alex. Well sorry, it's really not the norm to be bffs with a guy who almost killed me this morning.

After the introductions, everybody got engrossed in their own conversations. I don't really trust my mouth so I just kept quiet unless directly spoken to.

"So Nick, have you two finished the mating process?" Lisa suddenly asked Nick while she eyed me with a knowing look. Everyone's attention was on her.

"Well, we would like to take things slow." Nick explained with a clear voice, his breath tickled my ear.

"Is that so? I wish to see kids running around this house soon." She smiled warmly at us, I blushed and Nick awkwardly coughed. Huh, not going to happen Lisa. She then faced Julie and talked something about a Luna, like the Harry Potter character. I stood up and excused myself from everyone.

I went to the kitchen and looked for a glass, I then proceeded to their fridge and grabbed a pitcher full of apple juice. I poured myself and finished the drink in a gulp. I wiped my lips with the back of my hand and I almost screamed when a hand swiftly snatched the pitcher from my grasp.

Grey Sky { Previously, JAWS }Where stories live. Discover now