Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat pig yellow!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and poked Luke with the spatula I was holding.

"Funny," He retorted and backed away from me. "And it's rat."

"You've got dirt on your face, just there." I started with a fake British accent and pointed at several random spots on Luke's face still with the spatula I was holding.

"You woman," He told me and took a step backwards, "need to stop before I go insane and murder you." He finished, his voice held finality and determination.

A growl from behind me made Luke and I's head snap to its direction. There stood Nick with a calm face but his eyes showed possessiveness all over it. When he realized what he did, his eyes widened and he smiled innocently at us.

"Uh, sorry guys," He said and scratched the back of his neck, flexing his arm in the process. "My Wolf is on edge, he's already anxious that we woke up without Sky and now he took your threat seriously." He explained and guided me towards the sink, his arms on either side of me.

"I think I know where this is going." Luke grumbled and quickly made his way to the living room where the others were hanging around.

I chuckled and returned my gaze to Nick's blue eyes. He smiled at me then tilted his head, his face inched closer to mine and his lips slightly parted, minty breath fanned my lips and our noses touched. When his lips were only centimeters away, a loud beeping noise decided to break our moment. I pushed Nick softly and looked for the source of the beeps but the smell of burnt eggs caught my attention.

This is the exact reason why I hate cooking. Just a heads up, if you want to burn your enemy's house, just make them hire me as their cook and surely, I can make their house explode.

I shook my head from those thoughts and calmly made my way to the stove but Nick beat me to it and instead grabbed a random glass container from who the hell knows where and walked towards the stove. He hastily poured the liquid on the frying pan and well... an explosion occurred.

"You idiot!" I yelled at him and he glanced at me, his face amused, "Give me your shirt." I said and he looked confused for a second but I glared at him.

In the blink of an eye, he was topless and a brown shirt was thrown at my face. I scoffed and went towards the sink, I turned the faucet and wetted his shirt.

"Hurry up! You're burning the house down." He exclaimed when I made my way to the stove, I sent him a dirty look and slowed down my movements.

He huffed and snatched the shirt away from me and threw it on the smoking pan and turned the stove off. I smirked and leaned my body on the sink, arms in front of my chest.

"Imbecile." I quipped and he turned his head to look at me with narrowed eyes.

"Am not! I just got nervous." He defended and pouted a little and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Aww," I cooed and walked towards him, "The wittle baby is throwing a tantwum." I teased and lifted my hands to pinch his cheeks, which were unbelievably rosy for a guy. He slapped my hands away but nevertheless sent me an amused smile.

"Are we clear?" I heard someone yell from the living room. I dropped my hands to my sides and sidestepped from Nick.

"What the-?" Amber started and stared wide-eyed at the burnt black mark on the wall near the stove.

Grey Sky { Previously, JAWS }Where stories live. Discover now