A Seed Planted

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Chapter Three

Mikey's head perks up, "No, guys. No." What could possibly be up there? Probably a ton of old cool stuff.

"Mikey,why not? What the museum really take notice to extra wear and tear to all the old junk?" Mikey looks at me as I finish my sentence. I could see gears turning in his head, but he shakes it. 

"Food! Lots of food!" Chunk pipes up. Suddenly Mouth,Brand,Data and Chunk all start talking and making a dash for the stairs. "Food! Big Macs.." 


"Rich stuff!" Mikey gets tossed to the floor by Brand and I stay back to help him up. 

"Come on guys, that's my dads responsibility. The museum probably has a list of it somewhere." By the time he gets up everybody is halfway up the stairs. He dashes after them, stopping at the landing. 

"You guys! Listen to me,damn it, that's his stuff!" He walks up a few steps then hesitates as I stand behind. I didn't really want to do it if it could get Mikey's dad in any kind of trouble.

"Are you coming Lyn?" 

I stutter,"I-uh yeah. I thought we weren't-okay yeah." 

He smiles at me, totally unaware of what a simple flash of those braces did to me. He grabs my hand and we race to meet everybody who was already in the attic. My stomach was doing flip flops as Mikey and I wandered around the attic seeing who was into what,his hand still holding mine.

"Hey come on guys! This is my dads place,he doesn't want you up here. You heard what my mom said to the housekeeper.." Mouth comes up behind me first wiggling his eyebrows at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. Childish I know. He glances down at our hands and stands in between us from behind with raised eyebrows. 

I blush as he breaks us apart putting an arm around each of us. "Mikey, I can't believe you actually have something this cool in your house."

"It will make for a perfect start to you and Walsh's dowry."

 I elbow him in the stomach muttering, "History buff," as I try to hide the color creeping on to my face.

 Mikey blushes too. "Shut it Mouth." 

Mikey walks around the room by himself now, so I decid to go ahead and join Chunk in playing with this cool scientific orb thing. "My mom said..Mouth stop it, put down that costume." I turn to see my brother had somehow already gotten the chance to adorn himself in an old Spanish conquistadors clothing. 

"Mikey! This is great, all we have in my attic are old Hanukkah decorations." I move away from Chunk, to see were my brother had drifted away to. 

"I don't care what you have in your attic." Mikey sounds ticked. I round a corner to find him just as thunder sounded outside, seemingly louder in the attic. I instinctively jump and as luck would have it, I was so close to Mikey that I jumped right into his embrace.

I try to tell my heart to calm down, but I can hear his too. Just as quick and loud. After those ten seconds, which seemed to last an eternity, Mikey lets go of me and pulls out his inhaler to take a puff. "Okay guys. You saw it, can we get out of here now?" 

Data comes around a corner, "Come on Mikey, let's stay a little." Brand grins at him and leans up against a wall.

"Scared,Mikey?" The two scowl at each other and I wonder over to sift through some decorations.

"I gotcha' right where I want ya'! Chunk holds a sword near me, also sporting a pirate hat. I laugh and grab the nearest prop I see. It happens to be an old tri-corner hat and a sword. 

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