Can We Do This?

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Stef started up ranting once more almost immediately as we all got out to safety. Mikey held my hand, holding me close. I felt like my heart was swelling up, so much that it would burst out of my chest. It wouldn't be long and I was going to have to spill my guts to him. I wasn't totally sure whether or not Mikey was coming out of his shell a bit, and showing me how he felt or he just had the urge to protect me, it seemed like guys usually were like that

"Hey!" Mikey broke away from me, leaving me a bit chillier, "Hey you guys, it's a lantern, look, somebody must a been here before us!" Everybody added there two cents, giving there thoughts on another person being down here. I just hoped that somehow it wasn't the Fratelli's.

"Lookit these cigarettes."  The lantern was handed off to Brand and Mikey was on the floor of this damp tunnel, picking up various items scattered about, almost in a trail. Brand shrugs and gestures for Mikey to get up and Andi goes first into the cave below, seemingly unstable.

"Ten minutes ago...Troy was looking down my shirt--who cares?! Nothing wrong with that is there? If I wasn't so stupid, he'd still be looking down mine shirt." She walked ahead frantically and Brand walked to console her. I couldn't believe what she was spouting off, it was insane.

I felt warm fingers touch my side as an arm went around my waist. I could feel my heart racing once again at his touch. The lighting of the gave--which was little to none-- and Mikey's closeness were all proving to be too much of a romantic setting, so many ideas forming in my mind.

"Are you okay?" It was the second time he'd asked within the last fifteen minutes, though his concern was understandable given Andi's current condition.

"Yeah, still in my right mind." He laughed softly at my response and gave me a gentle squeeze.

"Not goin' off the deep end yet?" I shook my head, joining him in a quiet laugh. "You think we'll get there soon?" His voice was full of wonder, it made me smile, luckily it was too dark for him to see it.

"I think we will in some time. We can't give up though." We walked rather slowly given that we were in the back of the group, so I leaned my head gently down  on his shoulder sighing. "I couldn't stand to leave you if we don't find the stuff worth money." I felt Mikey grab a hold of my waist just a little tighter, causing me to stop in my tracks when he did.

Without any warning his warm lips touched my own. I felt like I was going to die. I let my hands slip over his shoulders and he moved his lips tenderly, but also sweetly. We were both inexperienced, though it was because of this reason that neither of us really took notice to that fact. All I knew was Mikey Walsh was kissing me, the taste of him mixed with metal was on my lips and it felt like heaven.

He backed away from me slowly, this time grabbing my hand. It was then that I noticed he was shaking, his nerves letting him get the best of hum.

"...before my hair falls out, before I look like him." I heard made out the last snippet of what Andi was going on about before she screamed clinging to Brand. Mikey and I pushed our way up to see what was the matter,"Like him!" Andy shrieked again, gaining a bit more of her sanity back as she noticed what was really there.

Before us was a decaying skeleton; bugs and dirty were all about the bones of the figure. I heard Mikey gasping beside me.

"This is one of your tricks isn't it, One-eyed Willie?" He stopped and took a deep puff on his inhaler. I glanced over at him, noticing the immense amount of color in his cheeks. Was that from our kiss? I wondered. "You wouldn't have gone through all this trouble if you weren't really hiding something."

Andi cried, now turning to Stef. She was in hysterics, sobbing into Stef's shoulder as she comforted her anxiety prone best friend.

"I bet he's Chester Copperpot." Data piped up, it seems he'd been forgotten about since the incident with his weird lights.

"Who?" My brother and I questioned him at the same time and we glared at each other. He smirked, making lewd gestures over at me, noticing the closeness of Mike and I. He hadn't released my hand yet, he was still holding on tight, he appeared a bit less flustered.

"Don't you guys remember? The last guy that went looking for the rich stuff, the one who never came back." His eyes darted between us, "Oh god, if he didn't make it out, how are we going to?"

"Hey, we can't be sure it's him." Mikey stepped forward, looking down at the body, examining it. He bent down, noticing the clothes still draped around the skeleton.

"I bet there's an ID in his wallet. Mouth, check his wallet." Brand nudged my brother who whimpered, jumping back.

"You get it Mikey." I rolled my eyes at him and watched as MIkey picked up a card.

"Lou Gehring?"

Brand snorted,"C'mon that's not what we're lookin for."

Mikey found the wallet with ease and flipped it open, brushing off a bit of dust. He pulled out a hard, plastic card from the beat-up leather, thing. "It is Chester Copperpot."

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