On the Run

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Mikey rolled his eyes, "Idiot." He mumbled and I'm pretty sure I was the only one that even heard him. Data stood still, silent for a moment, thinking about what he had one him. 

"Oh, yeah! Bully blinders!" He fumbled with his oversized coat, we could all here clanking as somehow Data found a button that was rigged on himself somewhere and blinded us all with an immense amount of light.

"Ahh!" Mikey turn his head to aside and I turned right with him, clinging to him. I was still blind but this time from too much light rather than not enough. there was various yelling from everybody yelling at Data, I think Stef and Mouth tried to out complain one another, I swear they were the loudest of the bunch. "Data, turn it off!"

After a few moments of clutching blindly at Mike, the blinders flashed a few times before they faltered completely and shut off. "Jeez Data." I rubbed at my eyes. As we walked on, stumbling into one another, Mikey's hand clutched mine as we navigated the dark and I felt my heart pounding in my chest. 

The front of the group came to a stop and we all sort of kept walking into each other one by one, a metallic sound was made against the hard ground,"Hey." Brand had been leading the group, no doubt with Andy in tow, and it sounded like he'd found something since something had fallen over. "Any ideas what's going on up there?" I spoke to Mikey as we all spoke in hushed tones,"Not a clue. Actually," he made a reevaluation after we heard a scratching,"Brand, I think he found some matches." "You don't think it's too damp down here for them to work?"

"I guess we'll find out." I felt him shrug  and squeeze my hand, my nerves were shot, branching out in so many ways. I was scared that we wouddn't even make it out of this mess we'd gotten in, but also I was afraid to evaluate it at all. I was practically on cloud nine over Mike, and to top everything off, some part of me was excited to, I liked that we were actually on an adventure. I looked up when I heard a sizzling and took in the sight of Brand holding a lamp that looked ridiculously old.

"Can any of you believe this thing works?" He pointed to it in disbelief. 

"Hey," Stef piped up, looking above us. We all looked to of course and saw pipes, tons of them. "I can't see any detail of things--Mouth," as soon as she even spoke his name, you could see the color appear on his cheeks, "your dad's a plumber, what do these do?" I scoffed quietly and looked at Mikey briefly,"Can you believe those two?" 

If Stef really hated my brother, well then wouldn't it be easier to ask me as opposed to him, the tension between them was unreal. Mike laughed beside me and shook his head. My dolt of a brother walked around and examined the pipe, he held his ear close to some listening, "These are just water pipes--hey, that means that gotta lead to a building, so maybe if we bang hard enough, somebody will hear us!" 

No sooner than the words escaped his big mouth did we all split apart from one another and start thrashing around, hitting the pipes senselessly. 

"H-hey..." Mikey stuttered, noticing the pipes starting to shake. It grew more violent by the second."Let's...."

"Get outta--" 


"Like now!" All at once several pipes bursted, Stef and I squealed being next to the busted ones, water splashing on us,Oh god, I hope it's clean, is what went through my mind first. As Stef and I pushed our way through, darting as fast as possible, I also realized that my brother had stayed back momentarily, trying to subdue the pipes as we all escaped.

We all walked on once more as soon as we all gathered back together, only now, at least half of us got the joy of being wet. Given that we were underground, it was not the best circumstance to be in. It was dark, cold, and it seemed like we'd never get out. I felt a warm body brush up against the side of mine, fumbling fingers found my own shortly after a jacket was placed over my shoulders, a denim one. Mikey's jacket.

I couldn't see much of his features in the dark, but I made out the fact that he smiled at me. "How're you holding up?" I took a deep breath, I wouldn't tell him I was less than optimistic, because I knew he was and if I said that, it would crush him. Not to mention, this entire thing was his idea and for the most part, had been guided by himself.

"Well, I could be better but, I'm definitely okay."  He ran his thumb against my palm, causing me to shiver though I could feel myself starting to get a bit heated up.

"You're not a good liar. You never have been y'know." He spoke in a serious, but calm tone. Not angry or anything.

"I'm fine, I promise. I'm just a little nervous 's all." I bit my lip and held my breath.

"Trust me, we'll get outta here and when we do, we'll have all the rich stuff we need too. I'll make sure you're okay." I couldn't see him, but I knew he was smiling and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

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