We're Going to Die

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I stared after Mikey anxiously. I wish he'd have listened to Chunks warning because the last thing I needed is to end up in this all by myself with the rest if the gang while Mikey's M.I.A; either dead or kidnapped.

"Geez Madeline, could you be more transparent?" My brother's voice broke me from my trance.

"What?" I hadn't quite heard exactly what he said, but he made sure he reiterated it louder.

"You're so obvious! Mikey's the only one oblivious." An blush crept onto my face.

"You all know?" I even saw Chunk nod and he never picked up on things. I gnawed on the inside of my cheek for a moment. As I was about to speak I heard the sound of breaking glass.

I looked in the direction of the bar and saw the old, italian woman muttering to herself. She had just fixed a tray of food and had knocked things over in the process of handing  it to the italian man who had previously shown up.

"What are you guys looking at, you bunch 'a hoodlums?" I looked back down into my water glass, I hadn't realized everyone had looked up like me.

"Ya better hope your little friend hurrys up." I gulped, tensing up a little. Damn, cut it out, I thought to myself.

Suddenly the front door busted open causing the lot of us to jump. We saw Brand as we looked over, dirt ans twigs stuck all over him.

"Where's my brother?" He sounded angry which was to be expected. The woman froze glaring at him before she jerked a thumb in the direction of the basement.

"Take him and get your damn brats out of my house." Brand marched over to the basement door and waited only a few minutes, but they seemed to last forever. When Mikey finally popped up, Brand lifted him up and held and hand over his mouth.

"We're leaving." We all scrambled to get up and out of there as fast as possible.

"Brand! Brand!" Mikey protested against him and we all went outside. We crowded around some rocks.

"Brand you should of seen it! They had an it! A giant it!" He gasped for air and his voice cracked making me bite my lip. "Calm down." I touched his shoulders gently. He flinched and turned around looking at me, he blushed when we locked eyes. Brand was still yelling at him and everyone was talking at once.

Suddenly Steff and Andy walked up, scaring nearly all of us. I had seen them approaching, but I still jumped, gripping Mikeys arm. Steff started arguing with Mouth; Andy flirted with Brand; and Chunk seemed frantic. Mikey looked at me.

"We gotta go back in there and get to the lowest floor, there's rich stuff, I know it!" I smiled a little,"Well, let's go while Brand's got his head in the clouds. Mikey slowly gestured to the other members of our group; and with me still clinging to him desperately, we snuck inside once the weird Italians had left.

"Okay," Mikey pulled the map back out and unrolled it. The guys crowded around us,"Okay, we need to go to the lowest level in the house." He pointed to the map,"I was already in the basement-didn't find a bathroom either-but I think that was the furthest down, so we need to-"

"You're not going anywhere." Brand walked back in again looking frustrated. He barely had time to take a step towards us before Stef and Andy came in screaming frantically.

"Oh god!" "It was a monster; it tried to kill us!" They squealed like babies and huddled up by Brand who sighed."Come on, let's get outta here before those people get back." He groaned.

"Come on Brand, give us five minutes." Mikey begged. Brand opened his mouth to protest, but Andy spoke up.

"A few minutes could hurt..." She had a hand on his shoulder, suddenly all of us spoke up.

"Yeah!" "Listen to her." "That's a great idea." We were all speaking over each and Brand sighed, looking at Andy.

"Alright." Steff rolled her eyes at the two and we all darted for the stairs.

"You guya wanna see the it?" Mikey asked, grinning as we got to the bottom of the stairs. We were right next to a door that Mikey slowly pushed open the door and everybody whispered, my brother moaned.

"Mikey, no..." We could now see something disfigured tied to a chair. I bit my tongue to keep myself quiet, I continued to hold onto Mikey; Mouth tugged on me. Suddenly the creature grumbled and we slammed the door, scared. Whatever it was, it knew we were down here now.

"Just keep going." I pushed my brother so he'd keep moving. I tried to be calm; the thing was chained up, right? "It won't hurt you." Mikey whispered, I jumped a little and looked at him and he smiled.

We finally got to an open room.that dead-ended the hallway. There was pipes and things you'd find in a normal basement along with a freezer and an oddly positioned fireplace.

Brand turned around to look at Mikey,"There's nowhere else to go, come on." Mikey broke away and argued with Brand.

Meanwhile Chunk found a water jug and was trying to drink from it. My brother smarted off to him and Chunk walked towards him, struggling to hold the jug.

"Chunk, stop, you're gonna drop it!" I tried holding it up, but it was so heavy that we both lost it and it broke, water spilling everywhere. At the same time Mikey banged the hard floor with a crowbar,"Mikey!" Brand yelled.

Mikey stumbled backwards and into me, as my foot went back I slipped and fell right on the ground, Mikey on top of me, his facr against my neck.

He perked up."Do you hear that?" It was dead quiet, but with his face so close to mine I couldn't pay much attention.

"What?" My face heated up as he stared down at me.

"The water...it's draining, it's going somewhere!"

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