So Close

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Everybody got quiet, we all had the same fear in us, but my brother was the first to voice his despair. "Oh god, we're all gonna die." I rolled my eyes elbowing him.

"We can't just say we're gonna die and then sit here to rot or let the Fratellis come get us." I looked at all of them and they stared back like I was crazy until Mikey joined in on my pep talk.

"Yeah, come on guys. We gotta keep goin'." He was still kneeling down, but he grabbed something just before he stood back up, "Hey, look, candles! A whole bunch of'em."

He handed them up to Data who gladly took them, they would probably be useful later. Afterwards, Data started walking away and Mouth spoke up, still sounding scared, "Data! Where do you think you're going?" 

He turned back and pulled off his knapsack, shaking it gently, "Boody traps." 

"Booby traps." Mikey corrected him, but Data just looked back exasperated.

"That's what I said! Booby traps, in case the Fratellis are coming after us. That way, we can hear them coming." He started digging around in his book bag.

We all exchanged looks of approval, in agreement that in the long run, that would be very helpful. Stef was apparently behind the program as she rehashed nearly the same conversation with Data, correcting him and all. 

"That's what I said! GOD, these people." He shook his head. I looked at Mikey, trying to fight off a small chuckle and he smiled at me, making my heart go wild.

"Hey guys, look at this!" Mouth gestured us all over to this spot. Andi stayed back, whining into Stef's shoulder and I couldn't help my self from rolling my eyes at them. I bit my lips as  we all crowded around my brother. "Looks like the skeleton of one-eyed Willy or somethin'." 

He held up what appeared to be a small key, or some kind of weird artifact, "Give me that, give me that. It's probably somethin' of Willy's." Mouth handed it to Mike and we all looked at it in awe. It was a rectangular shape with a skelton at the top, only three triangles in in representing eyes and a mouth. A chord is wrapped around it and as Mikey goes to move with it, the skull of Chester Copperpot rolls of the skeleton and it's ow visible that it was attached.

We all gasped, I grabbed on to Mikey instinctively, earning curious glances from my brother and Brand. "Oh man. Don't touch that, don't touch it." My brother's voice was barely a whisper as he a attempted to stop MIkey from setting the skull upright.

"Hey guys, now that we've got..." His voice trails off as he notices a wire in the sand. It looks like a trip wire for some kind of trap, "Guys, look at this." He pulls it out just a bit to far and we all stop breathing for a moment, this time Mikey's arm goes around me as he releases the wire. 

It triggered a mechanical reaction, a scythe  began swinging back and forth cutting a rope. I swallowed and looked at Mikey. "Guys. Don't move. Just, don't move." His eyes meet mine for a second and he squeezes me gently.

Data yells back a 'what' and Mikey again yells, "Don't move!" About that time, Data came running back to the grouping, mumbling about some swinging rocks and boody traps. "Run!" Mikey shouts loudly and grabs my hand as he pulls me along, we all dash out of there as fast as possible. I look back and Data is cursing as he runs towards us, stuck in the back.

We all make a jump over a small ledge in the nick of time, just before all the boulders start crashing from where they were suspended above. "Shit," I mumbled as we all watched the chain reaction from above.

"That was close," Brand remarks.

"Yeah, real close." Data is breathing the hardest as he chimes in.

"Hey wait," Brand holds his hands out to stop us all.

"It sounds like somebody's down there." I spoke softly.

"Maybe it's a way out," Andi spoke desperately. 

"Maybe it's the Fratelli's." Stef sounded frightened.

Brand slowly walks forward, pushing a rock aside.

"Brand, um, God put that rock there for a purpose, and, um, I'm not so sure you should, move it, um..." Stef took a deep breathe as they all peeked to see what was making the squeaking noise inside the hole.

As Brand siticks his head in to say 'hello' he yells and soon everyone's screams and shouts were about as bats were flying everywhere. I  kept running my hands through my hair, fighting to keep them from my hair and my face as I bit my lip, trying to keep my mouth shut so nothing accidentally got in there.

As soon as they cleared, Brand shook his head and started crawling down the hole, we all soon followed suit. Mikey held me back with him for a moment, we could hear Data inside, 'If we keep goin' we'll reach China." 

Mikey pulled me to him in a hug and as he let go and I saw his face, I could see it was red and he was unsure of how this usually worked, just as much as I was. "Are you, uh, are you okay? Don't, don't wanna turn back?" I smiled softly at him.

"I'm fine, I don't think much worse could really happen now unless the Fratellis are after us. There's gotta be a way out." He grinned widely, pulling out his inhaler to take a puff. 

"Yeah, it's great. It'll be the adventure of a century," he bit his lip, pausing for a moment, "uhm, so earlier when I, uh, I." It was obvious he was nervous, but I was just as nervous. I leaned towards him a bit as he put his hands around my waist and went for it.

His lips met mine and it was even better than before, they felt eager against mine. They were also soft and warm. He pulled back, breathing a little harder and he smiled from ear to ear at me. "Let's go before we lose everyone." He pulled me into the tunnel with him, the both of us filled with joy.

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