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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Amoureux_


I COULDN'T MAKE up my mind.

I knew I probably did not have a choice in the matter - but still. I needed to come up with an excuse, and fast, but sadly fast thinking in stressed situation was not my strong side. 

At all.

"I - uhm." I began, and the professor looked strangely at me, before breaking into a smile. 

"Great! Then it's settled! You two meet here, in my classroom, after school hours. I'll hand you the keys so you can lock up after you two - and remember, no making out on the desk. It's happened before." 

She glared at them as a warning, before the professor swung around and headed into the classroom, whistling happily. 

"Thanks, Rae. You've no idea how much this means to me." Gray smiled, and I forced a small small back, although I probably looked as if someone had super-glued my lips together. 

"It's no problem." I answered, already heading into the classroom before his hand clamped around my shoulder. I tensed, and saw how one of the lights in the roof flickered. 

Oh, fuck. 

"No, really. Thank you." He smiled again, and it increased my willingness to fry him until he was fit enough to be served at McDonald's. 

I wrenched my arm from his grasp and made sure to get inside the classroom fast enough for him to not reach me again. 

The door fell shut behind me, the sound silent and drowned out by the student's loud, pre-lesson chatter. People greeted each other, hugged and some whispered, probably launching another set of rumours around. The last one had been that Maddy Williams, a junior, had skipped the lunch line and verbally threatened the lunch lady's to give her a PB&J sandwich. Scandalous, right? 

Not bothering to engage in such a petty activity as spreading rumours, I snuck along the edge of the classroom to my seat in the corner. It was a worn old desk, propped up against the wall where bored students had scrawled messily over the white wallpaper. I let my eyes scan past the notes to the wistful couples that'd written their names on the wall, and I rolled my eyes as I read them. 

Amanda x Jules = FOREVER, ILYSM BABE

Dennis x Dylan = OTP

And then, just beneath that was another couple, but one of the names had been furiously scrawled over, leaving a black square standing out against the stark white. But I did see the other name, and it intrigued me as I saw a small, cursive Gray sticking out on the other end of the square box. 

I smiled. Interesting.

Then the professor cleared his throat, and all chatter ceased as class begun. I had a hard time paying attention, though, as thoughts swirled in my head, drawing my attention from the professor to ... well, everything else

I leaned my cheek against my hand, and felt exhaustion seeping in as my eyelids begun drooping slowly. Staying up as late as I did did pay off in a way, but the punishment was severe exhaustion that no amount of black coffee could solve. 

The Undoing Of Heroes | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें