thirty three

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thirty three

"DO I LOOK like a student to you?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. Even though I was facing some pretty shitty odds, I still managed to sound like a complete bitch. 

Good going, Rae. That'll really save your ass from being fried. 

Somehow, forcing the angst and anxiousness down, subduing it with sarcasm and fake confidence, made me feel better. 

"Very funny." remarked the woman, "But that wasn't my question, Rae." She looked awfully serious, crossing her arms above her chest with a frown on her face. Perhaps it would be in my best interest to act serious, for once in my life. 

"I know what you're doing." I replied, "Trying to make a good reveal for your evil corporation by asking me to explain something I've obviously never heard of before." 

The woman looked the slightest bit frustrated at my response, and my eyes followed the way she clenched her fists by the side of her body. 

"Do you know who's in charge right now, Rae? Who could kill you without anyone ever noticing - without anyone ever caring?" She hissed the last part so aggressively her breath reached me. It reeked of pissed off, "Just having you in this room, with the lights on-" She gestured toward the lamps in the ceiling, "- and you not being able to do anything about it already tips the scales in my favour. Have you ever wondered how it would be like to die without any powers to save you? Like a human?"

"Plenty of times." I responded, swallowing my unease. My heart was beating fast - fast and hard, "Who are you?" 

"Katie Terron." She replied tersely. 

"And you're what to Polaris?" 

"I'm a close ... associate to Polaris' COO." She took her time, pausing to search for the right word. I smirked, nodding along. 

"Doing dirty work, eh? I know the feeling." 

This time, she wasn't so lenient. She was halfway across the table before I could so much as breathe another word, her hand reaching for my throat. She stopped just as her nails scratched against my jawline, jerking back. Her eyes shot to something behind her.

The security camera, I thought, with no small burst of relief. The woman - Katie - recoiled, nodding along to something. It was only then I caught sight of the earbud in her ear, and the small wire that ran from it. She was receiving instructions, and was nodding unconsciously. After a while, she turned to the camera to give it a thumbs up. 

What the hell's going on here? 

Sitting back down, Katie brushed a hand down the front of her shirt. An apologetic smile graced her rough features, and I slumped back in my hair. 

"Excuse me. I hope we can continue this conversation a bit more .. respectfully. If two needs to come to an agreement there's nothing better to stop it than disrespect. " 

"An agreement regarding what?" Scenarios were already running through my mind. Possibilities - endless ones. 

"Cooperation." said Katie, "Between you - and Polaris. You see, Polaris is a very broad company. We operate in a range of sectors."

The Undoing Of Heroes | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz