twenty one

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twenty one

SO PERHAPS following the stream of students didn't give me the exact location of wherever I was heading, but it gave me an idea. I headed toward the main office, the same place where I'd been the last time I'd visited campus. 

When I opened the doors and peeked inside, a cheerful Marissa waved at me. 

"It's you again! Welcome back." She said, a bright smile on her painted lips, "I'd assume you're here for the open house?"

 "You'd assume correctly." I replied, kind of irked that everyone knew that.  

If you're young, not a student and on campus the day of the open house, I'd guess that too, I thought, meeting Marissa's smile with a blank look. 

"Which majors are you interested in learning?"

"Well-" I began, trying to figure up something on the spot. What really did interest me? 

My gaze flickered around the room, while my thoughts bounced and ricocheted around in my head, never meeting, never coming to a conclusion. 

Why is this so hard? 

"I - I guess I'm not sure."

"Most aren't. I'd recommend you to go to the main hall. They've some counsellors who might be able to help you."

"Counsellors?" I questioned, "Why?"

"Study counsellors." She clarified, speaking slowly. 

"Right." I answered, forcing a light smile across my face. I probably looked like I was just holding in vomit, "And where is that?"

"Just across the courtyard. The big building on your right. You'll see it." Marissa instructed, smiling service-mindedly. 

I exited the office, the glass doors bearing the mark after my palm after I pushed them open. They swung shut behind me as the outside air enveloped me once again in its chilly embrace, and I welcomed it from the stuffy heat of the office I'd exited. 

Rolling lawns followed the paved path leading me to the main building. There was a small courtyard, as per Marissa's descriptions, and in the centre sat a statue, surrounded by occupied benches. The statue was fashioned after two figures shaking their hands, and I neared it, searching for whatever golden plaque which could tell me about the statue's history. 

Shade and Ms.Holt shaking hands, its title read, and I read the date, realizing the statue was far newer than I'd anticipated. Dated only one year back, it apparently proved 'Shade's' affiliation with this Miss Holt. 

Unfortunately I had no notepad, but I needed to remember that name for later. Shade. It was undoubtedly a super name, one I had no knowledge of whatsoever. 

'Informational gathering in the main hall in ten minutes. I repeat, information-' A speaker blared out, shaking my feet into action again as I steered toward the building Marissa had described. It was a grand brick building, modern with glinting steel and sharp, angled windows. The doors were glass, and wide open as to not disturb the stream of students, parents and others continuously entering and exiting the main hall. 

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