twenty eight

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(a/n: all time favourite gif!!!!)

twenty eight

BREAKFAST was a quiet affair. The muted sound of the morning news, mixed with the gentle tapping of cutlery against our plates made up for the lack of conversation. Jordan was still asleep, his soft snoring barely audible between the other noises. Aria was quiet, stabbing her scrambled eggs with disinterest. 

I had, on the other hand, already finished one serving as was well on my way to finishing off a second on. To say I was ravenous would be the understatement of the year.  

Ethan had cooked breakfast, which was actually quite good. 

Better than I expected. 

Aria's head shot up, eyes meeting mine. She quirked a brow. 

Loverboy's a cook too? 

The telepathic thought she sent me made me snort. Despite our circumstances, she found time to tease me for bringing us all to Ethan's place. His name was 'appropriately' (according to Aria.) switched out to 'Loverboy'. 

Her teasing pricked my temper, but I tamped it down, remembering she was going through a tough time herself. Jordan was injured, though rapidly healing, but since they seemed way closer than when I'd left, I could imagine how she was feeling. 

Thinking of the people I cared about hurt me, as well. I shoved the thought of my mother to the back of my mind - she had a criminal past. She probably knew I'd gone into hiding. Hopefully. 

I forced down the lump in my throat with another spoonful of scrambled eggs, chasing it down with a sip of orange juice. The news were quietly chatting in the background, discussing this week's weather. 

We need a plan. 

Aria nodded, though still focusing on the news.

"Could we keep this conversation verbally?" Ethan interjected, pushing his empty plate away from him, "I mean, I get that you've some kind of psycho mind powers, and that's fine I guess, but I'd like to be in the loop too."

Like a cat raising its back, Aria's mouth thinned and eyebrows knitted together, a snarl on the brink of breaking out. 

Calm yourself, I thought, staring intently at Aria. She listened, but only barely, relaxing back down. 

He shouldn't question us. She sent back, and I'd have to agree, though I still felt as if Ethan had the inkling of a right to know at least when we were due to leave. 

"I think we should get out of here by tomorrow, ideally." The words are careful, nearly silent as they rolled off of my lips, "Depends on when Jordan's back to normal."

"I don't know about him." Aria said, biting her lip. She pushed her scrambled eggs around some more, "He's healing awfully slow. At least compared to how he's used to recuperating."

"Could be the damage he took was from another super. I mean, we've never encounter someone like Dan before." I pointed out, and Aria nodded in agreement. 

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