Body Two: Ruby Heights

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CASE: HOTCHNER, DARCY - vanished suspect in the murder case of Ruby Heights



[ 11/6/2014, 4:30 P.M. ]

OFFICER WOLFF: Good afternoon, Ella. My name is Jason Wolff. Thank you for coming.

ELLA: Of course.

OFFICER WOLFF: We have a few questions about Ruby Heights. Were you close with her?

ELLA: No, [explicit] no.

OFFICER WOLFF: Why this strong reaction? Were you rivals or something?

ELLA: No. I was afraid of her.

OFFICER WOLFF: Afraid? Please explain further.

ELLA: Darcy and I were both afraid of her. She was borderline stalking us. It was probably because she was lonely and she wanted to be our friend so bad but she freaked us out before we could become friends.

OFFICER WOLFF: Did she only "stalk" you two?

ELLA: No, she also stalked Grant, Darcy's boyfriend, Will, my boyfriend,  and Ezra.

OFFICER WOLFF: How did she stalk them?

ELLA: She was [explicit] crazy! She stalked them to the bar, tried to talk to them, she even tried to take them home, saying that she would take care of them because they were too drunk, and she liked every single photo of them on Instagram. And I know this sounds ridiculous and all but it takes time to like every single photo that they ever posted! That can't be normal.

OFFICER WOLFF: I see. I know this is a harsh question to ask, seeing that you two were very close friends. But please think this through with me. Do you think Darcy would hurt Ms Heights because she had enough of her intense stalking or other reasons?

ELLA: No, not ever. She wouldn't kill anyone for any reason. You have to believe me and stop treating Darcy as the culprit. She has been gone for two years, she could be going through anything horrible right now.

OFFICER WOLFF: That is why we are here. We are trying to gather information that could help find her.

ELLA: How do these questions help? She could've been kidnapped by some random guy with absolutely no connection to her!

OFFICER WOLFF: Are you sure she wouldn't hurt Ms Heights? Think rationally, without the judgement based on your friendship.

ELLA: She wouldn't. I know that.


ELLA: Ruby was pregnant.

OFFICER WOLFF: She wasn't pregnant when she was found.

ELLA: But she was! I saw her two or three weeks before she was found. And she was pregnant.

OFFICER WOLFF: The autopsy results didn't show any signs of a pregnancy.

ELLA: Are you saying she faked it? That's [explicit] crazy.

OFFICER WOLFF: That is all for today. Thank you for coming.

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