Big Sister

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Hey Darcy,

as you already figured out, I'm not a big show-off of my emotions. But I figured to write you this letter and explain why I'm not okay with meeting mother, yet.

Whatever way provided you the information about me, I am glad you found me because I did want to know who you are – I mean growing up in a mental institution and then constantly being tossed from one foster family to the next five long years long, I not only felt lost but disconnected from something I should've had to begin with. Family.

You're the only family I have. I'm starting to understand why our parents tossed me, though I don't get it and I don't think I will be able to accept it.

It is not your fault that they gave me away, though. And you not hesitating to extend your arms to me and give me a hug meant much more than you could imagine.

I'm going away for a while. Let's say I'm going on a trip and I have no idea when and whether I will be back. I just don't want you to wait until I get back. I've got a lot on my mind. See you soon!

Your brother,


[ 21/8/2014 12:44 P.M. ]


Thomas. I was going through Darcy's book shelf–

What? I can't hear you if you're whispering, Mandy!

I was going through Darcy's book shelf and I found a letter.


It's from Brodie. You need to hurry home and see this. They seem to be close!

Wait, ... what are you saying? I thought he was institutionalized.

Yes, when he was eight. That was eleven years ago. But he's out now. And he's in contact with Darcy.

Do you think she knows why we had him institutionalized at that young age and why we kept him a secret from her because of what he did to her?

I don't think so. He's writing about a peaceful reunion and that she shouldn't wait for him to come back anymore, like they've been meeting up more than just once.

Do you know what this means?

Yes. We know who's got her.

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