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Springfield was bound to remain a silent town with horrific memories and stories the day the press found out. Darcy Hotchner's doing and undoing wasn't supposed to be hidden or kept secret, but it did remain unspoken of until the bodies were out of sight, buried underground, said farewell to.

A funeral for three people, a funeral with tears and cramps and utter confusion more than anything else.

It was about time the world figured out what had happened — and Wolff was on it. Following Grant's directions, his team soon found the abandoned factory building where Grant and Darcy were kept in the cold, inhumanely dirty basement. Another body was found right next to the exit door, though it remained unidentifiable. The body's head was smashed with a blunt item several times, thus making it hard to recognize the face.

Every time officer Wolff opened his file about Darcy Hotchner, he felt uneasy, as if he had done something wrong and she had reason to haunt him in his sleep.

Grant Shefferson was well, few fractures had already healed when he knocked on the door to Wolff's office. Shaking his hand, Wolff felt something about Grant shift as well. He felt haunted, too.




[ 1/8/2016 10:03 ]

OFFICER WOLFF: You don't have to say anything that you're not ready to say yet. I understand if it gets hard.

GRANT: No, I want to talk about it. I need to.

OFFICER WOLFF: Okay, so tell me, what happened? What do you know?

GRANT: I had no idea at first. I mean all of a sudden you get a call that cried for help and the next thing you know someone knocks you over from behind.

OFFICER WOLFF: Did you see who it was?

GRANT: No, I was unconscious until I woke up on a chair, tied up and my head was spinning. Hard.

OFFICER WOLFF: Because of the drugs?

GRANT: I was drugged most of the time when I was tied up. Darcy would bring me food and water and she would apologize about the drugs she was forcing me to take.

OFFICER WOLFF: Do you know how long you were kept in the basement?

GRANT: I had no idea. I mean people are saying I was gone for weeks, months even. But I didn't even know when it was day or night time.

OFFICER WOLFF: How could you escape?

GRANT: The first time I was allowed to walk around was when Darcy came down and told me that "She" wanted to talk to me.

OFFICER WOLFF: Who is "She"?

GRANT: She [inaudible].

OFFICER WOLFF: Do you need a break, Grant?

GRANT: Yes. Yes, please.

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