Boy Went Missing

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Officer Wolff immediately sensed bad news when the phone began to ring. He sat in his office, unable to move. Higgins picked up the phone from outside of his office, his whole body on edge. Wolff examined his features, from afar, only to feel the sense of responsibility weighing down on him.

When Higgins hung up and hurried to Wolff's office, he knew another person was either dead or missing. Yet again, he was right. And he felt that always being right was starting to get disgusting.

"Grant Shefferson went missing. His latest phone activities showed an unknown number. It's the phone booth where his backpack, wallet and phone were found," Higgins said without taking a breath, "the worst thing is a message that was left behind."

"A message?" Wolff's eyebrow twitched.

"A photo is being sent to your tablet."

Only a second later, his tablet made an utterly loud sound, the display turning on.

Clicking on the new message sent by one of the local policemen, his throat began to dry out.

"It was a kidnapper," Wolff said as he examined the sheet of paper that was perfectly presented on the photo, "and he planned the whole thing."

"How do you know?"

"This message," Wolff hurriedly waved Higgins over to take a look, "was typed on a computer and printed out. This was planned way ahead."

And eventually, as the missing girl buried her nails into his mind, the words on the paper stuck with him.

If I am found dead, it was Darcy Hotchner's fault. It always is Darcy Hotchner's fault. And you will never stop her because she ALWAYS gets what she wants.

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