You Have The Right To Remain Silent

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Despite of Grant Shefferson's mysterious disappearance for already a whole week now and all evidence hinting that Darcy Hotchner is involved, who has been either the cause or the culprit of two cold murders, the assigned team of local officers and profilers are certain that Grant is still alive. Meanwhile, Darcy Hotchner's step brother Brodie Hotchner has made a surprising appearance after nine years of being separated from his parents and older sister, stating that he had seen her the day before she disappeared. More craziness was added when his own parents started questioning their son of kidnapping and torturing Darcy for revenge on Thomas and Mandy Hotchner for institutionalizing him and then leaving him to foster care when he was only eight years old. Brodie's attorney and himself are remaining silent after these shocking accusations. At least for now.

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