Chapter 113

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"In Death"

Outside of any Measurable Time

For reference: Aman = Valinor, Ennor = Middle-Earth

Almiel glanced around, knowing where she was, but not quite believing. It was not Mandos' halls. Nor was it Aman. It was the courts of Eru himself. "My child," the voice was so musical, so loving, yet so powerful it awed Almiel without even seeing the person whose voice it was. She turned and immediately fell to her knees.

"You," She said breathlessly. Illúvatar smiled so warmly at her, her heart melted.

"My child," He repeated, "You have done well." He held out his hand to her, and she hesitantly gave her his hand. He pulled her up with ease. "Walk with me," he said.

She followed him as he led her through his courts, she knew that she was passing wonders that were beyond imagining, but she only had eyes for Illúvatar. He glanced back at her. "Dear child, I said walk with me, not behind me." He said smiling gently. Almiel moved slowly to his side while he waited for her. Once she was by his side, he began walking slowly again. "I know you are curious." He said. "You can ask me anything."

She stared at him amazed and then looked around curiously for the first time. The courts were golden, too beautiful to describe properly. There were songs surrounding them, though she could not see the singers. She noticed as a side note that here, here she no longer felt pain nor fear. It did not exist. For the first time since she was conceived she felt nothing except for warmth and light. In fact, it reminded her of...

"It was you, was it not?" She asked. "It actually was not the Vala, it was you." She said, turning to look at him amazed.

Illúvatar laughed, and it was the most joyful thing she had ever heard in her life. As joyful as she had already been, it lifted her spirits even higher. "Yes, it was." He said, still laughing. "I wove your song, your story, before you were even born. Then I sent a very confused messenger to inform your father."

"Why?" She asked, for it was all that filled her mind.

They continued walking, meandering through such beauty her mind could not even take it all in, much less interpret it. "Many, actually almost all think I abandoned the world to its fate long ago. That I created a world and then took my eyes away. Even the Firstborn think this. Why would I? Does any creator not care for what he creates? I always have. The Firstborn hear my Song in life, in nature around them. The Elves hear me every day, all around them. It is what keeps them good in nature, even for all their mistakes. The Firstborn are supposed to represent me, and by extent the Valar, on Arda. Even the Naugrim hear my Song, though they hear it deep in the earth, in rock and metal. Men could hear it if they tried, and they hear more of it than they think they do. Why is music so important to them? My Song is a part of all my Creation, whether they notice it or not. No, I have watched Arda from its beginning, though I taught most of its song to the Valar, but I did not teach them everything on purpose. There are some things only I can know, and because of that, the Valar became wary of interfering. So I made you."

He paused and looked at her. She had seen eyes with age beyond measure, with wisdom that stretched back into another Age or two, and with depth only Elves could truly imagine. His eyes... His eyes surpassed them all. They were filled with things Almiel could not even put a name to. They had such depth and wisdom and age that they stretched into eternity past as well as eternity future. They were strange and wonderful, all at the same time.

Then he gestured around. "I know you have felt it, the joy and warmth that grows here, the lack of what you felt so much of your entire life."

"Yes," she said, "It is somewhat of a relief to be sure."

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