Chapter 29

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Haldir took the message from Thranduil before the Lady to gain her permission to bring Almiel home. "You are leaving once more for the sake of Mirkwood's King." She said to him.

"Yes, but My Lady, I wish for this to remain quiet. There is too much danger that someone will find out when the Princess is leaving."

She considered him for a moment before conceding. "Agreed, but first you must go on one last patrol. It will be you and your brothers. This way you will be able to scout out the trails as well. It will only be a week and the day after you may escort the Princess home." Haldir inclined his head and left.



Be ready to leave in a week's time.

I will.

Elrohir was with her. They were sitting in a small clearing in the forest, and at the moment Arwen was there as well. They had been having simple picnics in this clearing for the past few weeks because of the quietness and the relaxation they felt. It was a grassy clearing with only one large rock near the edge. The trees were tall around them and stretched up to leave a clear view of a circle of stars above them at night.

Almiel stood. "I must go to my room now. It has been a pleasure eating once more with you."

Elrohir stood quickly. "Allow me to escort you, My Lady." Almiel smiled, but shook her head slightly.

"It is not necessary, I am not that far and it will only be an inconvenience to one such as yourself." Elrohir's eyes looked hurt and Almiel flinched on the inside. Let go, she told herself. She turned and removed herself quickly from the clearing, hoping beyond hope she could actually let go.


It did not take long for Elrohir to realize Haldir had gone farther away than he usually had. "Where is Haldir?" He asked Almiel, trying to sound as innocent as possible. She was sitting against a tree, her eyes half-closed.

"He is around here somewhere." She said, hoping he did not realize somewhere was actually rather far away.

"That's odd." He commented. Almiel shrugged, returning to whatever conversation she had been having with the tree. He glanced up at the tree wonderingly, as if the possibility that he could also speak with the tree might give him insight into his love's mind. Instead of dwelling on where Haldir might be he instead returned his gaze to the Princess. It would be nice if Haldir was staying away from her for now. It meant he had a better chance.


It was later that day when he found out where Haldir was. He had been speaking to some old friends that they had known since they were little, having visited Lórien often with their mother. These particular friends happened to be Haldir's cousins. "Where's your cousins?" Elrohir asked, not as innocently as he sounded.

"Where they always are." One of them commented. "Always on patrol- or in Mirkwood." The sting of that had never really left Haldir's relatives. When Rúmil had been just an infant, they had spent almost twenty-five years in (at that time) Eryn Galen. Haldir's aunt had been furious at the time, angry that three children had taken off and gone to visit the mad elves of the woodland realm, and it seemed that barb had been passed to her children. This was mostly because, upon their return, Haldir had not become an ambassador like his father was, but rather a Marchwarden. In effect this was not entirely true, but only because he was one of the only ones the Lady would send as an ambassador at this time.

"But they are on patrol?" Elrohir asked, a panic entering his mind as he thought something worse could happen if they were actually in Mirkwood.

"Yes," his cousins answered. "Why do you care?"

"Haldir is a friend." Elrohir answered, hoping he sounded convincing. They had, after all, been friends. At least until now.


With Haldir gone, Elrohir determined to take the opportunity to get even closer to Almiel. He failed to notice the paled color of her cheeks or the glow lessening around her. Over the days Haldir was gone, Elrohir opened their bond even further causing her to give him even more energy.

On the second to last day, a worse event occurred.

They were sitting in a glade, Almiel singing to herself softly. Her fingers worked deftly as she weaved something out of the tall grass around them. Elrohir watched, fascinated, and a thought began taking shape in his mind. He moved closer to her, and she glanced up at him. Elrohir missed the growing wariness in her eyes as she reluctantly turned back to the basket she weaved.

"Your voice is beautiful." He said. Her voice faded for a second and she looked up.

She smiled once. "Hannon," she said and turned back to weaving, this time in silence.

"Where did you learn to do that?" He asked, now sitting next to her. Her muscles tensed for a minute before they relaxed again.

"At home," she answered, not bothering to go into detail. He seemed confused but said nothing.

"You still long for home?" He asked.

More than you know, she thought. "Yes."

"Have you heard from home lately? You do not speak as much about it anymore."

"Yes, my father wrote me a couple days ago." She said. "It was quite a delightful letter." Elrohir's mind flashed back to the scene he had witnessed between Haldir and the Princess. He had been holding something in his hand. Something that could have been a letter. 'Delightful,' she had said. She had certainly looked delighted. Why had she let Haldir read the letter?

"What did it say?" He asked.

Almiel paused in her weaving and glanced at him again. "Well, I suppose it was not all delightful, he did again say he was hesitant to bring me home. But I found it delightful because the wording made it sound like I could return home soon."

Home soon, he pondered the words with some form of hesitance. If she did return home, where would that leave him? He realized he would have to return with her, and do what his brother said he should: tell her father. (Perhaps in this instance it should be noted that he was not thinking clearly. There is no situation in which anyone could simply tell Thranduil that one is dating his daughter with the intention of marriage. One must either ask or beg and hope one makes it out alive. In either case, Elrohir does not yet realize how true Thranduil's reputation can be, but thinks it an exaggeration.) He looked at Almiel again.

"When do you think you will return home?"

Almiel sighed. "Soon," she said. "That is the answer I am always given."

"I am sure you will get your wish soon enough." He said, impulsively kissing her on the cheek as he did so. Almiel gripped the grass beneath her tightly as energy rushed out of her. It was frightening. She had not lost that much since when her own mother had died. She forced herself to smile but stood.

"I certainly hope so." She forced out. "But I think for now I shall retire." She hurried away before he could say anything, her head spinning slightly. She breathed deeply once she got to her room, reminding herself that she had only one more day here.

Home…She thought wistfully. I have not seen Legolas in a long time. He probably has not changed. She hugged herself. My father will throw a feast, a wonderful happy feast where there are no somber songs and much dancing. I will enjoy returning home.


Haldir felt the decrease in energy and glanced ahead toward the city. They were headed back and would arrive by late afternoon the next day. The decrease worried him though. What if something bad was happening? At the moment, he could do nothing. He sighed. Tomorrow could not come soon enough.

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