Chapter 59

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Galadriel chased after the Nazgûl they were following. After stumbling onto each other, the Nazgûl had for some reason taken off in the other direction. Saruman was right behind her, staff outstretched toward the retreating wraiths. He was murmuring under his breath but the wraiths were running fast enough to keep away from any spell he shot at them. Suddenly they shot upward and Galadriel and Saruman both came to a stop. Not more than a few seconds later, Elrond and Gandalf came to a halt in front of them.

He is above us. Elrond said. Galadriel nodded once. Gandalf and Saruman combined their efforts and tore a hole through the ceiling. Elrond went up first and then Galadriel.

Where is he? Saruman asked.

Almiel? Elrond asked.

He's right next to you.

Elrond turned rather slowly to see the dark shadowed form of the man Sauron once was. The Council immediately jumped to readiness but the shadow laughed.

"Is this really the best you have?" Sauron asked. The two Nazgûl stood flanking him. "I recognize you." He said to Gandalf. "You were here once before, but even then you needed help." Saruman looked at Gandalf wondering who had helped him before. "Tell me, where is the girl?"

"There is no girl." Saruman said. "You must leave."

The shadow laughed even harder. "Are you threatening me? Who are you to threaten me? In fact, I heard you were forbidden from threatening me." Everyone stayed quiet.

Tell him he has no power. Almiel's voice said. Tell him he will never be whole again.

Do you want us to die?

You invited me.

"Tell me, Dark One, what power do you have? Do you really think you'll ever be made whole again?"

Sauron did not laugh this time. "What makes you say that Elrond Half-Elven? Are you seeking to challenge me?"

Tell him yes, and that you will not be the only one.

"Yes, and I will not be the only one. You will never gain control because no one will listen to you." Elrond said catching on. Sauron raged, but in shadow form he had little strength. Gandalf threw light at Sauron who shrieked and covered himself. The Nazgûl converged on them but Saruman held them off with his own magic. Sauron, still raging, used his own magic, but was too angry to direct it at his whim. He was also scared in his own right because of Elrond somehow being able to gnaw at his deepest fears.

Thus it was that Sauron decided, for the time being, he would leave Dol Guldur and make for his own realm. He would deal with Thranduil later. To Mordor it was.

He screeched at his followers and together they turned and fled. It might have been a rouse, but a rouse they would have to let it be. They could not destroy him yet.

He is gone. Almiel told Elrond. The four of them looked at each other, all rather drained.

"What did you not tell me?" Saruman asked them. They all looked at him as if they had no idea what he was talking about. "Look, all this time you all said that you knew what was going on, including where everyone happened to be. You also somehow did not realize how stupid the Orcs were being, even for Orcs. What are you not telling me?"

Gandalf sighed. "I was wrong to keep this from you. I did take someone with me last time, and they are here again this time."

"And who is this?"

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