Chapter 115

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April 3019 TA

Throughout the whole day, almost everyone in the entire camp had come to see the said walking miracle for themselves. Almiel's presence seemed to have a joyous effect on everyone, not only those who had known her. Though the camp had been rather ecstatic for a long time when Sauron was first destroyed, the deaths of everyone who had been close to them, not just Almiel, had lain close to their hearts. Her presence, and her gift, lifted their spirits in a new way, and all were quite glad of it. Haldir never left her side, and both Legolas and Thranduil had never gone out of hearing or sight distance yet.

It was almost midday when they met the hobbits. Almiel's eyes sparkled at Frodo, who was glad to see that she had wakened. "I told you we would meet again." She said to Frodo.

Frodo smiled, but inside his heart was shadowed. Almiel's eyes pierced his for a second, and she took his hand. "You have not finished your journey yet, Master Baggins. You still have a ways to go, and at the end of it you will find peace." She said. Frodo eyed her with curiosity, Legolas having told them what she could do while she still lay dead.

"Do you know that? Or is it just something to say to comfort me?" Almiel laughed.

"So here's the real reason Elrond had us keep silent!" She said. "Too many questions from those without answers." She said laughing. "But you should know, I have not yet lied, not even to comfort those I sense."

"No, she just does not tell you everything." Haldir muttered. Thranduil and Legolas both laughed.

"Count yourself lucky," Thranduil said, "She told me less."

"I do not say what I am not sure of." Almiel said. "I give you what I know is true, and leave the rest to your own choosing. I cannot give any less than what was given to me, and I had to make my own choice. You will have your own Frodo, and when you do you will find the peace you seek." She said. Frodo looked after her wonderingly as she walked on to meet Sam.

"Do not take her words lightly, young Master." Thranduil said as he walked up to Frodo. "Even before her words had power that not even Saruman could match with his gilded tongue. Now I think they are even closer to the truth, having met the Creator himself." Frodo nodded silently, thinking on what she had told him.

He looked over and saw Merry and Pippin laughing at something she said. I hope you are right Princess. He thought and walked over by Sam who was sitting to lunch (while simultaneously staring at the Royal family with something akin to awe).

Later that day, when things had started to settle down, Elrohir finally got the nerve to approach Almiel. For once, Haldir's grip did not stiffen on her, but he did pull her closer. "I have spoken with a lot of different people in apology." Elrohir said, trying to avoid Haldir's gaze. "But I have yet to apologize to you. I have no place to be forgiven, I know that. I did not understand at the time, but now I do- and I wish I could take everything back, especially now." He said, eyeing Haldir with both caution and guilt. Haldir's gaze, surprisingly, softened and Almiel gently extracted her arm from his.

"I forgave you long ago." She said. "Even if no one else did." She added a pointed look at Haldir who blushed slightly. "I of all people knew you did not understand, and I never held it against you."

"I believe that was your first rather large fight with your father as well." Haldir said.

"Perhaps," Almiel agreed. "In either case, you have nothing to apologize for, and some things were never meant to change anyway." Elrohir stared at her, partly shocked at her good will, and partly still abashed.

After a minute, he bowed his head to her. "I thank you then, for I never expected this. I wish you both the best, but I believe I must take my leave." He said. She nodded at him while Haldir only watched him go. She let him take her arm again, but she looked at him curiously as she did so.

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