Chapter 51

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c. 2931, 2935 TA

It had been eighty years since Saruman had galloped away. Eighty-one since they had seen Haldir, which meant it was also that many since they had discovered who the Necromancer was. Yet still, Saruman lulled the Council into a sense of security.

"I keep telling Gandalf something needs to be done." Radagast had told Thranduil at one point. "He keeps saying he is informing the White Council yet nothing has been accomplished. I think they are waiting for something. What is it, I do not know."

"Are they waiting for Mirkwood to be completely destroyed? Do they wish to wait for Sauron to send a better invitation?" Legolas had asked, voicing his father's thoughts. Thranduil had actually been managing to keep his mouth shut. It seemed Legolas had less patience in this instance.

"Perhaps it is Saruman." Almiel said. "He could be keeping them from doing anything, and he has never listened to any of us."

"I fear my daughter speaks the truth, but is even Saruman capable of such treachery?" Thranduil asked. "He is supposed to be of the Wise."

"I do not know, but he used to be the wisest of us." Radagast said. "Perhaps he is waiting for an opportunity we do not see." The household of Thranduil was not all that convinced, but for once they kept their mouths shut and spoke not a word.

They kept like this for another four years before Thranduil got tired of no one seemingly doing anything about the situation, and hearing word of nothing that said otherwise. "Legolas," he said to his son one day. "I need you to go to Imladris." Legolas stiffened slightly, but nodded.

"What for?"

"Tell Elrond and Mithrandir if he's there what the situation is becoming. The woods have grown too dark for anyone's taste except for the Enemy himself and I would like to know why nothing has been done."

"They will not like hearing that." Thranduil nodded.

"Probably not, but they must."

Legolas rode up to Imladris rather hesitantly, not all sure that his life was not in danger. He was one of only two Elves from Mirkwood this time, and he was not sure that the twins would not murder him. "Stay close," he told his fellow warrior. "We will leave our horses in the fields. While I am occupied stay in your room, and keep your weapons close."

"My lord… I though Imladris was safe, and an ally."

"They are, but there are bad roots everywhere." Legolas said. "Though I have a feeling they will come after me, not you. Just stay wary, and keep your wits. No drinking, not even a glass of wine."

The warrior looked confused but said nothing, respecting his prince. Such it was that they rode into Imladris.

Elrond knew it when Thranduilion rode into the woods of Imladris. He called the twins to his office. "The Prince of Mirkwood is coming to our home. I know not why, but I implore you not to harm or insult him in any way. If you do, I will be forced to either kill Thranduil or allow him to kill you. Also, I would rather your younger brother be completely ignorant of the feud between you and Legolas. Estel does not need more hostility in his life, and he needs as many allies as possible. As it stands, I have no feud with Mirkwood or anyone in it."

Elladan and Elrohir both had clenched jaws, but they nodded. "If you must, simply stay out of his way." Elrond added. The twins nodded again. Elrond sighed. This would be a long visit, no matter how short it actually was.

Legolas rode into the Hidden Valley and swung off his horse. His companion whistled to Legolas' horse and took them with him into the fields as Legolas had said. Legolas himself turned to walk into the Last Homely House when, to his surprise, a young human boy stood in front of him. They young boy looked at him with wide curious eyes. "Who are you?" The child asked in Sindarin.

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