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Gerards POV
We stand up and I look at Frank, his sleeves are rolled up, I see some of his numbers, but only out of curiosity, I swear.

I have never seen Franks numbers.

And he has never seen mine.

Even after being best friends, practically before we have been born.

I really wonder when and how we got our numbers, and I wonder if our parents know our numbers.

I mean I guess they would have to, they gave us baths and clothed us when we were little, and they have to sign our numbers on the form, whenever we go to the hospital or really anywhere.

It was like the easiest way to get 'tracked'. Instead of you height, skin color, etc, you were by your number, even though we had names, I think the whole world is just reconized by their numbers...

I remember one time when Frank and I were both sick and our moms had to fill out the papers while we snuggled on the couch watching tv, passing tissues and cold medicine back and forth, since we were always around each other, we were always sick together.

~Flash Back, last fall, so about a year ago~

*Still Gerards POV*

My mom and Franks mom were on the loveseat in the living room, while we were snuggled into each other on the couch, they were filling out hospital forms for us, so they can take us to the hospital later.

They were chattering, while we were watching the tv, all of the sudden, my mom stands up and says "Jenny, Can I see you in the kitchen, for a minuet?" to Franks mom, My mom nods to the papers as Franks mom see this motion and skims both of the papers, her eyes go wide and then she nods, and they both leave.

I tried to listen to their conversation, but it was no use, the tv was on and Franks soft snores, were louder then the hushed and obviously important conversation.

I wanted to know what was going on, desperately. But I guess, if they needed to go to the kitchen for it, it wasn't for my or Franks ears to hear.


When they re-entered the living room, I snapped my head quickly back to the tv, so they don't know I was trying to hear what they were talking about it, they both sat down and continued filling out the papers, giggling and looking at us.

What was so funny?

Franks snoring?

Him with his head in my lap?

Me? Was my hair sticking up?

Well, actually that's nothing new, my hair just does what it wants and I let it.

After about the hundredth time of them laughing, i decide to speak up.

"What is so funny, I mean it must be pretty good, you won't stop laughing."

"It is nothing, you will find out soon." Franks mom says, looking over to my mom.

My eyes go wide and then shrink to their nomal size as I shrug and turn back to the tv.

I run my hand through Franks hair as his head is still in my lap, I lean over and give him a kiss to his forehead and slouch a bit and lay my head on the arm rest.

My legs are under Frank, like I was laying on the couch and then Frank laid on top of me, with his head in my lap/stomach area, It didnt bother us or our moms though, we always have cuddled and have slept together plenty if times. We were best friends, even though we usually fight about the stupidest things, it doesn't last long and we make up and move on like nothing happened.

I keep on running my hands through his hair, it is so soft, I give him another kiss on his forehead and return to a comfortable laying position and close my eyes.

After a while I start to drift into sleep, I feel a blanket being draped over Frank and I, but I dont move,

As I get closer to a full sleep, I hear one of our moms say, "See it is already happening, I can't wait for them to find out, they are perfect for each other."

I really wanted to jump up and say 'Wait what, huh, perfect for each other, how?' But i didn't, Franks body on top of me and his warmth, over ruled the idea of me jumping up.

I drifted into a heavy sleep.

~End of Flashback~

~Back to current day~

*Still Gerards POV*

I still wonder what they meant, but it has been almost a year since that day, and they haven't said anything...

But as the memory comes and leaves my mind, I think of what I saw of Frank's arm.

23. A 2 and a 3, Mine also starts with 23, but we were also born in the same year so... everyone born in my year, probably starts with a 2 and a 3, but i don't really know, but it is my best bet...

I don't think about it too long, as Franks has readjusted his sleeves.

He says, "Wang to snuggle on the couch and watch some horror movies?"

I nod and smile widely, as he grabs my hand and drags me to the couch,

I sit on the couch, as he puts in 'Scream', and grabs the blanket from the recliner and plops down beside me, before he snuggles into my side, curled into a ball.

I rearrange myself and him, as I find a comfortable position, I am laying on my back and he is on my stomach and laying on his stomach, so our chests are pressed together, his head resting on my chest.

We stay like this for most of the movie, but as we near the end of the movie, he picks his head up and kisses me on the cheek.

I blush wildly as he places his head back on my chest.

To be honest, I have always had a slight crush on Frank, as I was bi-sexual, (But I favored boys more), but no one knew but my mom, and she promised to not tell anyone.

So I never missed the chance to snuggle with him or give him a kiss on the forhead, they probably didn't matter much to Frank, but...

The meant the world to me.

I think I am falling love with my best friend.

Chapter 2, and a little flashback, this is turning out pretty good!
Hope you enjoy this!
xxPyro Black

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