Cemetery Drive {Part 2}

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There is a smut warning for this chapter.
Gee's POV

I wake up with Frank literally on top of me, no it isn't a new thing, We have been sleeping over at each others houses since we were babies, but this, this is a little new because we are boyfriends now.

As we got older I assume our feeling for each other have gotten stronger, so we just started acting like a couple without really being consious of it.

We would hold hands, kiss each other on the cheek or forehead, cuddle, and sleep together in the same bed or on the same couch.

And we both liked it, because we both had a crush in each other.

I really should of seen the signs to be perfectly honest. Because then we wouldn't be dancing around each other for years until an extremely early morning kiss. But I don't think I would have it any other way.

I know Frank like the back of my hand, we have spent all 17 years of our lives together. And I can never see us being apart ever.

I look down at Frank, his head is on my chest and our legs are tangled, I can't honestly tell which ones are mine at the moment, but once I wake and move a little maybe I will be able to determine which ones belong to me.

I slide under Frank a little more so his cheek is pressed against mine, I turn his head and press a long, gentle kiss to his lips.

He slowly opened his eyes, after stirring for a little bit.

"Hi" He said as he looked up at me with his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Hi yourself" I replied. I lean down and press my lips to his again.

"Do you want to get breakfast?" I ask him.

He nods sleepily and it was like the cutest thing ever. "I don't know which legs are mine" he admits, before rolling more on top of my chest.

"Yea, I was just thinking about that too." I laugh.

Soon Gerard, figures out our legs and straddles my hips, and leans down and kisses me passionately. I instantly kiss him back. Our mouths moving together in perfect sync. He pulls away and starts kissing down my jaw and down my neck, and further down my shirtless chest and finds the spot on my ribs, he sucks gently and I let out a moan, as he bites down gently.

"Ah! Do that again..." I whimper to Frank who is still attacking my chest, leaving purple and red bruises all over it"p-please, ah"

He bites my skin again and plesure runs through my body, I look dowm and see teeth marks, but it didnt hurt at all, it was all pleasure, I never knew that I would like that. He continues sucking and biting my skin and I couldnt take it anymore, I start to buck my hips up in a effort to create more friction, Frank seems to get the idea, because his hand trails down my chest to the front of my boxers, where he starts palming me and I shamelessly thrust my hips against his hand. I start making these weird whimper-moans and almost everytime one comes falling from my mouth Frank moans after. Frank soon gets tired of palming me through the thin fabric and slides his hand in my boxers and wraps his hand around me.

He starts pumpimg slow, but being the whiny, needy, b!**h I am, I beg him to go faster.

"P-ple-ease, F-Frank- ah! Ah! Ah! Faster.." I somehow manage out, Frank has this effect on me that makes me reduce to goo, brain dead goo, whenever he touches me, in a sexual way and in a non-sexual way, he could just be holding my hand and I will act like a blushing, bumblimg idiot.

He gets what I am trying to say and moves his hand faster, but not before pulling off my boxers so his hand has more room to move, Franks lips are still attached to my top half of my body and his hands are in my lower half. I am very over stimulated, His other hand is grasping and like massaging my thigh and it is really turning me on, even though Frank is trying to solve that problem with his other hand, his other other hand is ruining his progress. His lips, teeth and tongue, have really one job here, turn me to a human eggplant.

I look down at him and see my chest and moan quite loudly when Frank looks back up at me, his eyes still look so innocent, even when he is doing this, one of the dirtiest things to do. But his lust blown out pupils, still look almost impossibly innocent. He keeps his eyes locked on mine as he bites down into my chest, just below my nipple. I throw my head back and cry out in pleasure, and Frank starts to kiss his way up my chest, I look down in time to kiss his lips.

He pulls away and stops his movements on my but not removing his hand, "I don't understand, I have been at this for a while and you still havent come yet." He chuckles quietly.

"It's your other hand, it was a heavenly feeling and sensation, but it was also turning me on. So next time you want me to be hard do that, but its not really helping the you are trying to get rid of it with your hand." I say to him with a laugh. He nods and keeps his hand on my thigh but doesn't move it. He then starts to pump me again, starting slow but then tightens his grip and starts moving an ungodly speed.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah" is all I can say with every breath I am fastly exhaling (Destroya sounds guys.)

Soon I am coming so hard I see stars for a moment.

Frank collapses on top of me and I roll us over and kiss him before I remove his boxers and take care of him. But with my mouth. He and I both like it better.

"Ooh, Frankie, You have quite the problem there." I tease him as I rub my thumb around the tip and down his shaft.

"It's, o-ooh, it's because of ah! Those noise you were making, ah, ooh, god those were hot noises." He manages out.

"Well I like it when you make me, make those noises" and with that I wrap my lips around him.

Not edited, will edit it later though ♡♡

Sorry for not updating, I have been really busy and I am also trying to end "Cancer" and it only has I think 1 or 2 more chapter left, before it is complete. I think, i hope.
Also i am trying to end "Toxic" as well but I think it will be going on for a while, because there is so much plot I want to do, I may spilt it into several books, actually that doesnt sound half bad of an idea.

So yea, that is where I have been...


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