Number Meanings

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Four: My number represents stability, solidity, and endurance.
Nine: *snort* Endurance. *cough*
Four: Hey! I've endured a lot!
Nine: Oh yeah? Name three things.
Four: I'll name four.
Nine: *rolls eyes*
Four: I've endured pain and-
Nine: Oh please! I hate to break it to you, Johnny, but we ALL have.
Four: Shut up.
Five: Is it my turn?
Four: No. I've also endured-
Marina: Five's turn.
Four: Hey!
Five: My number represents expansion, adventure, and travel.
Six: Oh yeah! Because he can fly.
Four: I wasn't done with my turn!
Nine: Endure it, Johnny boy!
Four: . . .
Five: It says here that the number five also carries instability and unpredictability.
Nine: That's for sure!
Six: Haha.
Five: Hey! It doesn't mean anything-
Marina: Six's turn.
Six: The number six means tolerant, dependable, and sincere.
Nine: And SEXY.
Four: Dude, shut up!
Six: It also says I'm truthful and forgiving.
Nine: Not very forgiving when it comes to battlin-
Four: Moving on!
Marina: Seven means mystery, study, and knowledge. I also have an amazing imagination.
Five: You're mysterious, all right.
Marina: What's that supposed to mean?
Nine: It means he's scared of you because you poked out his eye.
Marina: Is that true, Five?
Five: No!
Four: It's true.
Six: Definitely.
Five: Shut up!
Nine: He's terrified of Marina.
Four: Nine, it's your turn.
Nine: Oh. Nine means awesomeness, strongness, and hotness.
Garde: . . .
Six: Your grammar is awful. Also, read what's on the card.
Four: Aren't I the hot one? I mean, I'm the one with the fireball throwing legacy.
Six: . . . You are so cheesy, John.
Five: Nine IS strong. He got that right.
Marina: So?
Nine: My card says universal influence.
Garde: . . .
Nine: And I have a strong mind.
Garde: . . .
Six: You're not still making this up, are you?
Nine: No! I'm serious!
Four: How is your mind strong?! You have the dumbest mind out of everyone!
Five: Don't egg him on.
Six: Nine, I don't know what universal influence is supposed to mean, but it sounds pretty bad ass. So you must have the wrong card. Here, John.
Six gives Nine's card to John.
Nine: Hey!
Marina: *snicker*
Nine: Now what am I supposed to be?
Six: Nothing?
Nine: . . .
Five: I volunteer to be nothing.
Nine: Thanks, Five.
Five: No problem.
Four: Did Nine just thank Five?
Marina: No.
Four: Okay.
Nine: I have the best meaning. I endure and shit.
Four: No, I endure shit!
Five: I endured getting my eye stabbed out.
Marina: Shut up.
Six: I endure.
Nine: What do you endure?
Six: Nothing. I just endure, as in last forever.
Four: You have to die someday.
Six: Who says?
Marina: Six, everyone has to die some time in life.
Six: Oh.
Nine: I don't plan to die anytime soon and if I do, it'll be with two Mog heads smashed between my palms and another one under my foot.
Four: You said that already.
Nine: I did?
Four: In the third book, you idiot.
Nine: Oh.
Five: I didn't show up until The Fall of Five.
Six: Well, duh! That's why it's called The Fall of Five! Because you fell!
Five: I thought Nine fell.
Four: That's in the sixth book, dummy!
Five: Oh.
Nine: I remember that! When Five caught me and I punched him! That was funny.
Marina: When was this?
Four: You weren't there.
Marina: Oh.
Six: Remember, Marina? You, Adam, and I were all fighting Setrakus Ra at the Sanctuary.
Marina: Yeah and I almost died.
Six: Yeah but Sarah died.
Garde: . . .
Five: Six, you're an imbecile.
Four: :(
Marina: John's sad now.
Six: Sorry, John.
Nine: Too much emotion. I'm not very good at comforting in this category.
Nine leaves.
Five: I'll probably just make you sadder.
Five leaves.
Six: I'm such an idiot.
Marina: Nine's usually the idiot.
Six: Yeah, but this time it's me.
Marina: You okay, John?
Four: :(
Six: *makes funny faces*
Marina: Six, not helping.
Six: Right. Sorry again, John. I suck.
Six leaves.
Marina: Sarah lives on in your heart.
Four: :(
Marina: She didn't die in vain.
Four: :(
Marina: . . .
Four: . . .
Four: :)

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