Don't Fourget

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. . . Eight can walk on water!!!!
. . . Ella only uses her Telekinesis ONE FREAKING TIME. (In TFOF she uses it to slam the door in Sarah's face.)
. . . Nine killed Sandor so Sandor wouldn't have to be tortured.
. . . Five killed his best friend, Ethan, to prove his loyalty to the Mogs.
. . . Sam threatened to shoot Four with an empty-barrel gun.
. . . Nine can transfer legacies to anyone.
. . . The blue cube that quenches thirst and the yellow cube that fills your stomach.
. . . Five broke Nine's FAVORITE WEAPON. His pipe staff! Nine WILL HAVE REVENGE!!!!!
. . . Marina is the oldest Garde.
. . . Six is the strongest Garde, not Nine (I can hardly believe this).
. . . Nine has cried twice. Both times in The Revenge of Seven.
. . . Marina thought she had superspeed in TPOS but it turns out, she doesn't.
. . . Hector Ricardo.
. . . How special Number One was to Adam.
. . . Right before her death, Adlina fought to protect Marina.
. . . Sam had a crush on Emily in IAN4.
. . . Nine hasn't had a haircut the entire series and perhaps longer.
. . . Maddy betrayed Nine to save her parents but in the end, the Mogs betrayed HER, and she and her parents were killed by the Mogs.
. . . Four lied to Henri many times.
. . . Five's flight legacy developed just minutes before probable death, and saved him.
. . . Eight had a legacy that showed him visions of the future.
. . . That Dale could tell anyone about the Garde's powers.
. . . Marina, Nine, and Six never ate their burgers at Trapper's.
. . .

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