Joke Telling

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Nine: Hey guys, I have a joke to tell.
Six: Oh no.
Four: Not again!
Ella: Yay! Nine is so funny!
Nine: Knock, knock.
Garde: . . .
Ella: Who's there?
Nine: Nine.
Ella: Nine who?
Nine: Nine who! HAHA!
Garde: . . .
Four: Nine, you are so stupid.
Ella: Agreed.
Marina: Please don't tell anymore.
Five: I thought it was funny . . .
Six: Nobody cares!
Five: Can I tell a joke?
Nine & Four: No!
Marina: Please don't.
Ella: You guys are so mean! Go ahead, Five.
Garde: Ugghh.
Five: Knock, knock.
Ella: Hahaha!
Five: . . .
Nine: Yeah, haha!
Six: Haha!
Five: I'm not done.
Marina: Oh.
Four: Crap.
Nine: This is hilarious!
Ella: Okay guys. Just listen to Five's joke.
Five: Knock, knock.
Ella: Who's there?
Nine: Traitor.
Five: Shut up!
Ella: Nine, now he's mad!
Four: Good!
Marina: *sigh*
Six: This is getting ridiculous.
Nine: Lmao!
Ella: Please continue, Five.
Five: No. Nine's just gonna laugh.
Nine & Four: *snicker*
Five: See?!
Marina: Just ignore them!
Ella: Yeah, ignore them. Who's there?
Five: . . .Five.
Ella: Five who?
Six & Nine & Four: *snicker*
Five: That's it! I'm done!
Five: *stomps away*
Nine & Four: HAHAHAHAHA!
Marina: He's such a baby.
Ella: Don't make fun of him!
Six: He needs to toughen up.
Nine: I volunteer-
Six: I don't mean beat him up.
Nine: Awwww.
Ella: Maybe we should just be nice-
Nine: Not likely.
Four: Yeah, impossible.
Ella: Why do you pick on him, Nine?
Nine: Because he gets offended so easily!
Ella: That's no excuse!
Four: Yes, it is!
Nine: Ella, listen. If I say to Johnny 'You're a turd blossom' and he gets offended, I'll probably keep doing it.
Four: What??
Nine: If he ignores me, I'll keep doing it. BUT if he laughs then-
Six: You'll keep doing it.
Nine: Right. . . Wait, what was my point?
Marina: Nine, you're hurting Ella's feelings.
Nine: No, I'm not! Ella, am I hurting your feelings?
Ella: Yes.
Nine: Sorry. There. All better! Now let's go pick on Five!
Marina: You're such an idiot, Nine. Go eat pizza.
Six: Good idea! Go eat pizza!
Nine: Okay!
Four: Can I have some pizza?
Nine: Ask nicely and maybe I'll give you a bite.
Four: But that's all there is to eat around here.
Nine: There's broccoli.
Four: But I don't want broccoli.
Ella: I want broccoli!
Nine: If I bring you some, squirt, will you forgive me?
Ella: Okay.
Marina: Don't bribe her!
Nine leaves to get Ella some broccoli.
Six: John, wanna play capture the flag?
Four: But it'd just be one on one.
Six: So?
Four: You're on.
Marina: I'll play too.
Marina, Four and Six go to the Lecture Hall.
Nine: Ella, here's your broc- Where's Johnny, Six, and Marina?
Ella: They went to play capture the-
Ella: . . .
Ella: Nine?
Ella: ???

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