The Time is now

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It's been officially 5 months since I've seen Jaden. Yeah, I'm 9 months Pregnant, I look like a fucking elephant. As you may Guess, I've been staying with Ray. NO! We are not toogether. What kind of girl stays with her boyfriend's homie and then leaves her boyfriend for his homie? What's that word again? Oh yeah, Hoe! So I was sitting in the living room, eating my chips, my belly poking out of the tee-shirt I was wearing. A ll of a sudde, I felt like I had peed on myself and I felt hard ass contractions.

"Raaayyyy!" I yelled. He came running downstairs fast as hell. "I'm In labor." I started. "Are you Ok?" e asked. "NIgga the fuck it look like? I'm over here in labor the hell? No I am not Okay!" I shouted as I groaned in pain. He picked me up, ran me to his car then put me in the back seat, getting in the driver side and driving off. He dialed some number on his phone. "Hello" "Man she in Labor!" "We pulling up to the hospital Now." "No Talking on the phone and driving I yelled at him while I yelled in pain.

He pulled into the hospital and I started crying because this shit hurt. U.O.E.N.O. He opened the back door, carried me inside. "She's in Labor!' He called. Immediately, A couple Nurses ran out with a stretcher, Ray set me on it and they ran me down the hall. I was crying endless tears. When they got me to a room, Ray came by my side and Grabbed my hand. "Taylor, Just breath otherwise your blood pressure will shoot up." He says. I managed to calm down a little more.I squeezed Ray's hand as the contractions became even more intense.

13 hours Later (I'm not good with Births).....

"Congratulations Ms. You have another beautiful Child." The doctor said handing me my beautiful Baby girl. Jaden's dumb ass still isn't here. Ray was on the side of me, holding his hand to his face. "What's wrong?" I asked holding my kids. "I-I think you broke my hand." He stuttered. I couldn't help but laugh. "Aaaawww I'm sorry Ray." I apologized. "What are you gonna name them?" He asked sitting down and sticking his hand in the cup of water by my bed.

"Hmm, I know the girls name is Jasmine Marie Adonia Smith, but the boy, Hmm He's cute but I don't kn-- Wait. Tabien, Tabien Anthony Smith. It kind of combines me and Jadens name." I said looking at the baby boy. "Good Job Taylor." Jaden said walking through the door with some flowers. "I'll leave all you guys alone." The doctor said exiting the room. Ray looked like kind of pissed. "So after 3 hours of me being in labo, you finally come right after I give birth Jaden? Really, you are not being the man you promised to be." I yelled setting my kids down next to me.

"I know exactly what you were doing man. You was fucking that girl again. I know you was, I can tell by your face." Ray pointed out. Jaden looked down and bit his lip. "Woooowww Jaden, you only think of yourself. See I know why you cheat on me, You cheated the 1st time because I wouldn't give you oral sex or anything like that because I thought I was too far in pregnanacy to do that sooo you went to the strip club while I was gone with Ray and brought a random whore home who you knew would do what you pleased. So you had sex with her and got your sexual frustration out of the way and when I found you and her together, You thought I was going to forgive you and when I didn't Y'all hooked up a couple more times to 'Try' and forget about me. 3 hours ago, when Ray called you and told you I was in Labor. You knew you weren't ready for this so you called your 'Slut Bucket' Up and had sex with her then you felt bad so you came up here with some flowers. Am I right Ray?" I asked crying by now.

He sighed loudly and looked at me. "Y-Yes, That's all true Taylor. Can at least hold my child?" He asked. I shook my head no, "No, Jaden Just No." I said looking away from him. "Just Leave Jaden, I don't know why you came down here." Ray said angrily looking at Jaden. "I'm Sorry Taylor, I really am." He shed a tear. "You always are Jaden." He left the room. A nurse came in the room She had a lonog ass weave that was past her but and she was popping her gum. "Ayy did you name yo kids yet?" She asked popping her gum twice. "Yes, Her name is Ja-(GCO) "Look Miss Lady, I honestly don't give a fuck what you named your kids. Just right the shit down." She handed me 2 clipboards. I know damn well, She is not doing this shit. "Excuse me? You really have no authority to be rude to me. I know some people who can sue you." I said snatching the cliboard. "Go head I ain't scurred." She snapped.

I wrote the Twin's Names down then passed her the clipboard. "Iight Now gimme dem kids." She said very rudely. I handed her Jasmine and she looked at her then up at Ray, "Shit this little ugly Nigglet don't even look like him." She said putting her in the pink Bin. "Ok that's it. You triffeling ass ho. You have no fucking right to call my kid an ugly Nigglet. I bet when your Momma Gave birth to you, she probably didn't even want your ass but yet she kept you because nobody would take care of you. You so fucking fake, Your long ass hair is fake, I bet really you're as bald as Amber Rose really, You're body is plastic surgery you did yourself because you work in a hospital, your boobs are water ballons you put in yourself and them Nikes, Honey them you probably stole from a Bitch on the street. Go crawl back in the corner of your roach infested box in an alley and die, Bitch you are excused." I said in my Spanish accent, Indicating I was pissed, putting my hand up after I handed her Taybien." Her mouth was wide open and she walked out the room.

"Oh Shit Taylor, You was reaaallll. I like that Accent." He bit his lip. "It only comes out when I'm pissed." I told him. "I see. Well it's like 12:30, You want me to stay here or y-(GCO) "Yessss Ray please. Please stay with me." I said grabbing his arm. "Iight, I'm not sleeping on this dusty as couch. Can I?" he pointed to my bed, indicating he was asking if he could sleep in my bed. "Sure." I said scooting over. He kicked his shoes off, got in the bed and wrapped his arms around me in a brotherly fashion.

The Next morning, Ray was sitting in the chair next to my bed, eating a Mcgriddle sandwhich and drinking his orange juice. I know damn well he did not go buy himself some food and not me. "Nigga, Where's mine at?" I asked yawning and stretching. "Well good morning to you too." He said handing me a bag. "Thanks Ray." I smiled widely and opened the bag, taking out my sandwhich and eating it. "Good Morning M'aam," a Caucasian nurse walked in the room with a hospital cart, my kids inside. "Good Morning." I replied with a mouthful of food. "Here is your Baby girl, And your baby boy." She handed me them. "Thanks." I swallowed my food and took them from her.

Taybien looked up at me while Jasmine was sleeping peacefully. The Nurse walked out of the room. "Can I hold Jasmine?" Ray asked, out of Nowhere. "Sure." I giggled and passed him Jasmine. She rested the side of her face on his chest. "Damn Taylor, She has your lips and your nose." He rocked her back and forth. "Aaaaw Really? I think she looks like Jaden." I said holding Tabien close to me. His hand was in his mouth as he looked up at me, big eyed. "You are so adorable." I told him in my best baby voice. He removed his hand a smiled at me.



This chapter sucked ,_,

But what y'all think? I need some feedback!

The adorable twins are on the side


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