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{Skipping a few days/Tami's POV}

Lately I've been avoiding most of my teachers including Mr Minter, I would still go Saturday training since I had to but wouldn't talk to Mr Minter much. He has been going easy on me, we have just been going for jogs, lunch then jogs again. Mr Minter wants to stop with the gym until I'm fit enough and actually have energy. I sigh as I walk into the lunch hall, I go to the line to get food before looking around when my eyes lands on the table me and the girls sit on. I watch as they laugh and mess around but feel a little sad because I haven't been myself since that day with Beth. I've just been quiet around them and they all but Freya has questioned it but hasn't lately. I miss being able to tell them everything but this, I just don't know how to tell them. I was too deep into thoughts that I didn't realise Beth was stood in front of me but I realise when I felt something being dumped onto me. I gasp and look at Beth in shock to see her smirking while holding a coke can

"Oops" Beth said and I hear laughter, I look around to see everyone in the lunch hall just looking. Some laughing, some shocked and some pissed. I watch as Freya, Natalie, Jenny and Kay rush over to me

"What is your problem?" Jenny asked obviously pissed, tears fill my eyes as I stand there embarrassed

"Look who it is, the nerd's only low life friends" Beth said

"What. Is. Your. Problem?" Jenny asked again, just then teachers rushed in

"What is going on?" Mr Brown asked

"Beth throw drink at Tami when she did nothing" Jenny said

"Jen, calm down" Kay said

"No! I'm so pissed off because no one doesn't anything to stop this sket from bullying Tami" Jenny said

"Jenny!" Mr Brown said

"Is that true Beth?" Mr Bradley asked

"No. She wasn't looking where she was going and walked straight into me" Beth said

"THATS BULLSHIT" Natalie said before launching at Beth but Mr Payne grabbed her

"Tami, go clean up then go to the principal's office" Mr Bradley said and I nodded my head before rushing out while the girls stayed back. I went to my locker before grabbing my gym clothing, it's the only spare clothing I have so I have no choice. I close my locker before going to the girls toilet to see how bad the damage is. I walk in and go straight to the mirrors to see my hair is ruined along with my makeup, my clothes were sticky and I just felt horrible. Just then Freya rushed in, I turned around and looked at her. She held up some keys

"Mr Brown said you could use the showers in the changing rooms. Keys to the girls changing room and there is no gym class next so he said you'd be fine. If anyone questions then Mr Brown gave you permission" Freya said and handed me the keys, I nod my head

"Thank you" I quietly said before grabbing my gym bag, we both walk out. I walk towards the changing rooms while Freya goes back to the others. I sigh, today has just been great. What a sick day. Ugh...


Where is Mr Minter?

There will be no updates this weekend as I'm busy but also taking a break from everything. If you have noticed on Twitter, my username has changed to Tami {Inactive}. I won't be on Twitter until Monday, not sure when but sometime on Monday I'll be back. I just need a small break from stress to be honest so I hope you guys understand

Have a lovely weekend and I'll see you guys on Monday

Tamiii x

Mr Minter (Miniminter FF) {COMPLETED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora