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Before I start the chapter, please read this. So as many of you know, I'm meeting Jenny on Friday ((12th August 2016)). It would honestly mean the world to her and me if she could meet Tobi that day as she is a huge Tobi girl. I don't always ask for things since it's embarrassing but I really need your help. If you could tweet Tobi and let him know that me and Jen ((MrsLerone)) will be at the Olympic Park on Friday, that'd be nice. It's her only chance of meeting him. If he could somehow come and meet us ((well Jenny mainly)), it will honestly make Jenny's day. I'm giving Jenny a little tour around and she wants to go to the Olympic Park. Please help me out guys🙏🏻 I'd truly appreciate it. Thank you❤️ you may carry on with the story

{Simon's POV}

Tami has been upstairs for a while now and for some reason I was worrying, something was wrong. We were still watching the movie and I couldn't help but hear movements in the kitchen before we hear a crash and screaming. I quickly stand up and run into the kitchen to find Tami laying on the floor hugging her stomach and screaming

"Tami" I said before running over to her, I kneel down and pick her up gently. She screams more and tears start to roll down her face

"Tami? What happened?" I asked as I tried to wipe away her tears but they wouldn't stop. I was trying to stay calm just for her but I was actually breaking down inside. She's in pain and I can't stop it

"S-Simon...?" I look up at Freya who said my name. The guys and girls were stood around us. Freya points at something and I look, my eyes widen. Bleed on Tami's shorts and it was coming from her .. Yea .. The guys quickly look away and Freya kneels down beside me, just then Tami grabs my top and I look at her. I move my hand that was holding her head to see blood on my hand

"What?" I mumbled confused as I stared at my hand. She's bleeding on her head. That's when I started to panic  since she wasn't bleeding in just one place

"GET A CAR!" I shout before picking Tami up, Tami continues to scream as I carry her out of the kitchen

"Dude! Seats. She's bleeding" Ethan said

"She'll sit on my lap. Just get a FUCKING CAR" I said/shout before slipping my shoes on. Everyone rushes out and I get in a car with Jenny, Tobi, Freya and Natalie. Tobi starts to drive and Tami curls up on my lap

"P-please s-stop it" Tami cries

"What's happening? She was ok just a few minutes ago" Jenny said. I place a hand on Tami's head and just feel blood. What did she do?

"Tami, try relaxing. Deep breathes" Freya said and Tami grabbed my free hand before screaming again

"Tami, Tami, Tami. Tell me where it hurts the most" I said calmly and she rests her head on my shoulder

"M-my back. M-my stomach. M-m- AHH. M-my h-head. M-" Just then Tami's hand fell out of mines. My eyes widen and I look at Tami as the screaming stops to see her eyes closed

"T-T-Tami..?" I shakingly said

"CHECK HER BREATHING!" Freya shouts as she hits me

"What.. What do you mean? What happened?" Tobi asked as he looks back

"Drive faster. Go. Tobi, please" Jenny begged as Tobi starts to speed. Natalie checks Tami's breathing since I was too shocked and scared. I couldn't lose her. I need her. Fuck! I've treated her like shit the past few days and now she might leave me. I can't. I can't lose her

"She's.. S-she's breathing.. She passed out due to lack of blood. She's losing a lot. W-w-we need to get her t-t-to a h-hospital.. Fast!" Natalie said as tears cloud her eyes but I'm pretty sure there were tears already rolling down my face. What's happening? She can't leave us like this. But it makes no sense. I get she could have hit her head on the floor but the blood around her lower half doesn't make sense. And it definitely wasn't her period or else the girls would have said something. I just hope she's okay. I lean down and kiss Tami's forehead. Please be okay...


What's wrong with Tami?

Simon is having ((somewhat)) regret on how he treated Tami

What do you want it to be? ((Like what do you want to happen? Except from killing Emily))

Will Tami make it?

Hope you have a lovely day and cya

Tamiii x

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