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{Simon's POV}

I watch as everyone minus Lewis stare at the doorway shocked

"I bailed Natalie out of jail" The person who bailed Natalie was in fact Ethan. He was the one to call me this morning asking for a ride and I agreed, turns out him and Lewis were able to make enough money but I don't know how or when. I couldn't help out zone out as I remembered the state Tami was in when I walked in, what was that about? She was definitely crying but why? I've never seen her this bad since the day she was crying under the showerhead

"W-what?" Natalie asked shocked which snapped me back

"Because it's my fault this happened. If I didn't' meet Emily then we would still be together, it was stupid of me to break up with you and I've learnt my lesson. I know that sorry isn't going to fix anything but it's better than nothing. I'm really sorry for the way Emily has treated you and I wish I was able to see it earlier then now when the damage has been done. You're my world and these past few days, I've been lost without you. God knows what I was thinking but I know it was dumb move. Fuck, I can't even explain how sorry I am. Just please let me make up for what I've done. Prove that I'm sorry by giving me another chance" Ethan said and looked at Natalie, she was stood there shocked and didn't know what to do

"What about Emily?" Natalie asked

"I broke up with her before you and Jorja jump- actually before she jumped you" Ethan said

"Wait what?" Jorja asked

"Yea. I was going to tell everyone once we got home and Emily left but that didn't end well" Ethan said, I look at Natalie just as she picks up a pillow and starts to hit Ethan with it

"Fucking idiot! I wouldn't had went to jail if you told me this before" Natalie said as she continued to hit him

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I was going to tell you but didn't think that'd happen" Ethan said as he tried to protect himself from the hits

"This is your fault" Natalie said and hit him again before dropping the pillow and huffed. She glares at him before hugging him

"But you're lucky that I love you" Natalie said and Ethan smiles as he hugs her. Everyone cheers and I smile, good job Ethan. I look around and see that everyone is distracted so I take this chance to steal Tami away and find out what was wrong. I pick her up and she gasps as I quickly make an escape out of the room

"YOU COULD'VE JUST SAID YOU WANTED ALONE TIME WITH TAMI, SIMON" We both hear Lewis shout as I run upstairs

"SHUT UP" I shout and run into my room with Tami, I close the door and lightly drop her onto the bed. She giggles and looks at me as I hover over her

"Hello there gorgeous" I said

"Hi" Tami says before giggling, I smile and peck her lips

"Now I have a question" I said and she raised an eyebrow

"Yes?" Tami asked

"You were in tears before we got here.. Why?" I asked and watched as her smile drop a little which made me frown

"I-it's... I-I.. Erm.. I had another nightmare" Tami whispered and I watch as something flashes through her eyes

"Tami.." I said

"It was about you.. You.. Y-you.. Erm.. Cheated on me.. W-with Jorja.. When I woke up this morning, you wasn't there and I-I.. Just thought that m-my nightmare.." Tami said and just stopped as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. She dreamt of me cheating on her. Why would she think that would happen? I could never leave her

"You don't have to worry about that because I'm not leaving you. No matter what happens, I love you and only you. I don't know what these nightmares are but they aren't becoming real anytime soon. Plus I'm 100% sure that Lewis is after Jorja, man has something for her" I said and she just stares at me

"It felt real" Tami whispered and I shake my head

"I know but I'm here for you and not leaving" I said and she smiles a little

"Never scare me again" Tami says and I chuckle before leaning down and kissing her. She smiles and kisses back

"Cute hoodie" I whisper jokingly and she giggles before we continue to kiss. This is the girl I wanna grow old with. She's the one that I love...


Tomorrow is the last chapter of this book. I'm sad but all books have to come to an end one day

It's a Saturday night while I'm pre writing these chapters and I'm just watching Simon's stream.. I'm so lonely

Hope you have a lovely day and cya

Tamiii x

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