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I'm really sorry for all the notifications. If you didn't know, my account had glitched out last night and unpublished all chapters except for #76. I didn't know until a few of you tweeted me. I unpublished the whole book and tried republishing it then God knows what happened because everyone was seeing different chapters. So I've finally fixed it. Again, really sorry for all the notifications x

{Next Day/Simon's POV}

My head was rested on Tami's stomach while one hand held Tami's hand. Dry tears stains on my cheeks, red eyes and puffy nose. I've never cried so much in my life until last night. I only got two hours of sleep and that was it, the doctors words kept playing in my head

"She miscarried. It's early stages and it's common thing. We tried to do everything we could but couldn't succeed, we're sorry"

She was pregnant and we didn't know, no one knew or else I would've taken better care of her. Did Tami know? Was she hiding it from me? The doctor said she'll need someone for the next two/three weeks. Pain and bleeding. It's going to be hell but I need to support her, no matter what. Everyone went home last night and should be here soon. I felt Tami move a bit and I sit up

"Tami?" I whisper and place my free hand on her cheek, Tami whimpers in pain but slowly opens her eyes. She looks around the room before her eyes land on me

"W-what happened?" Tami whispers before wincing in pain as she tries to sit up. I stand up and gently push her down

"It's not a good idea to sit up yet, you hit your head pretty hard" I said and sat down beside her, Tami continues to stare at me. I avoid eye contact because I knew I'd end up breaking down again. I hit the buzzer that's in the room and prayed the doctor got here

"You're hiding something from me" Tami whispers and I chuckle a little before looking at her with tears in my eyes

"That obvious?" I ask and Tami whimpers before wiping my tears

"What aren't you telling me?" Tami asked just as the doctor walks in

"I see you've woken up" The doctor says and I sit back. I had to call him in, I couldn't tell her. It's hard enough for me and it will be more harder to tell her

"What's he hiding from me?" Tami asked and I could see tears building up. The doctor sighs and I grab Tami's hand again

"Can I just ask what happened before you had your accident?" The doctor asked

"We were in the living room watching a movie when I felt pains in my stomach. I brushed it off until it got worse then I went upstairs. Rushed into the bathroom to throw up then headed back downstairs but to the kitchen since I needed pain killers which were in the top cupboard" Tami said. She was in pain during the movie and I didn't notice, what the hell is wrong with me?

"I'm guessing you fell from there?" The doctor asked and Tami nodded

"I had to climb onto the counter which I didn't realise was wet. My hand slipped and I fell back onto the floor. I hit my head on something and just remember screaming in pain because of my head but mainly my back and stomach" Tami said frowning

"You had a miscarriage Miss (L/N). I'd say you were almost three weeks pregnant. It's not your fault at all, some women go through miscarriage at early stages" The doctor said and I watch as Tami's facial expression changes

"I-I was pregnant?" Tami asked as tears start to roll down her face 

"I'm sorry" The doctor said before leaving. Tears start to roll down my face as Tami places her free hand on her stomach. She looks at me

"W-we w-were meant to her a child?" Tami asked and I nodded my head, Tami's lips quiver before she hugs me and breaks down into tears. I hug her back and just hold her as we both silently cry...


Well that was an emotional rollercoaster

Yes, Tami did miscarriage and no one knew she was pregnant

Imagine my book unpublished because God heard my panic last night. Basically Simon said he needed something to do while reading fan fictions so I may had a little panic that he could see mines. Next thing I knew, two of my books unpublished half of the chapters and I couldn't fix it until this morning.. God is on my side XD I'm talking bs, I had ice cream allow me

Hope you have a lovely day and cya

Tamiii x

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