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{Natalie's POV}

I was sat on the hood of the car reading a book while Ethan and Lewis were replacing the tire. We had stopped in the middle of no where because of a flat tire, Emily was sat inside doing God knows what. It was nice out here and I didn't want to sit inside with Emily so reading a book was my best option. I hear a car door open before closing

"Ethhhhhhh, how much longer are we here?" I hear Emily ask in her whiny voice

"We're almost done" Ethan said and I roll my eyes before continuing to read

"Ewww I can't believe you dated a bookworm, Eth" Emily said and I raise an eyebrow. Why the hell did she say 'dated'? Me and Ethan are still together

"Em, go sit in the car" Ethan said. Em? So we're on nicknames now

"It's just hard to believe you went out with her like I'm so glad you dumped her" Emily said and that's when I slammed the book shut

"HE DID WHAT?" I shouted and slid off the hood before facing them

"He dumped you" Emily said and I narrowed my eyes before going to the back, I open the back door. I throw the book into my bag before grabbing the baseball bat, I close the door and walk towards her

"Say what NOW?" I asked pissed off, her eyes widen when she sees the baseball bat

"Eth" Emily said and Lewis quickly rushed to me, he grabs me around the waist then grabs the bat with his other hand but I don't let him pull the bat out of my grip

"Natalie, let it go" Lewis whispered while I glare at Emily

"No! LET ME HAVE HER" I shouted and try launching at her but Lewis just holds me back

"Where did the bat come from????!!!" Ethan asked while holding Emily behind him

"What. The. Fuck. Does. She. Mean. By. 'Dumped'?" I asked and Ethan just looks at me apologetic

"I... Told Em that me and you are no longer together so I can be with her" Ethan said before sighing, I could feel tears blur my eyes but I refuse to cry over him. I'm done with his shit. I get out of Lewis's grip before going back to the car, I open the back door and grab my bag. I close the door then go to the back and open the trunk before grabbing my luggage

"Natalie? Where are you going?!" Lewis asked as I started to walk away


"YOU'RE BEING STUPID" Ethan shouted and I ignored him. I continue to walk until I hear running

"LEWIS???" Ethan shouted

"JUST SHUT UP! We'll meet you there" I heard Lewis say before he caught up with me

"You don't have to come. Go back to them" I said

"Natalie. I came to this trip only for you. I'm not letting you walk on your own. You hate them, not me so don't take your anger out on me" Lewis said and I sigh

"I'm tired of this shit. I never cheated on him or anything but he does this. He tells another girl that he dumped me just to be with her when he never broke up with me. It's pretty obvious that I like you but I never once cheated. Yes, we've texted and stuff but I haven't told you that me and Ethan broke up or that me and you should be together while in a relationship.. I just.. Why? What did I do to deserve this?" I asked as I look at Lewis, he sighs before pulling me closer to him

"Ethan is losing a beautiful girl, he clearly is blind. His lost. But he made his choice and now it's time you made yours. You said it yourself, you like me and you know I like you too. Give us a go" Lewis said and I just stare at him

"I'm not like Ethan.. You even know that. I would never hate you" Lewis said before leaning down and kissing me. We stop walking and I stand frozen before slowly giving in. It was time I moved on because Ethan has only played games with my heart. He used me for his own games whereas Lewis truly does like me. He talked to me over text but never once told me to break up with Ethan. He understands me. Lewis is the one I need...


So Ethan and Natalie are no longer together

Do you think Lewis will treat Natalie better?

Who wants Natalie to still kill Emily? (In the book obviously, not IRL)

Hope you have a lovely weekend and see you Monday

Tamiii x

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