Spring, Year xx42

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          It has been nearly a year since I was captured and turned into a vampire. I find myself longing for the sun and sky much more than I should for it being deadly. I am allowed free range of the manor at times now, but Lord Ryan is still wary about letting me go off alone to hunt. It is no secret that I miss my family, after all.

          I wonder frequently how they are faring. I am forbidden to go near my old home. They must think me dead by now, as much as it pains me to say. I would be nothing but a ghost if I were to return, even though I am far from it. How can one say they are a ghost if they are dead and yet alive in the same moment?

          In the time that I have spent in Lord Ryan's manor, forced to remain under punishment of "torture worse than death" without his permission. It has never been something I wanted to test for myself. I have heard the sounds of those who have broken that rule before. It is... less than pleasant.

          More than that, there are strict rules that childer of Lord Ryan must follow. The largest is to never make your own childe without Lord Ryan's approval. The second is to never attack or kill another vampire in his coven. The third is always have his permission before leaving the manor. Despite the rules though, living in the manor is quite easy, if you do as he orders when he tells you.

          I have also had the displeasure of meeting Christine, another childe of Lord Ryan. She was turned before me, a decade or possibly less prior to myself. She is almost as pretentious and annoying as Lord Ryan is, but she is the closest turned to me thus far. It pains me to say, but she is my closest connection. I would not dream of being associated with her in other circumstances. Perhaps we may find some mutual understanding of one another eventually. I am the youngest of Lord Ryan's coven and as a result, the furthest separated.

          I do not consider it a good thing. I feel like it's only a matter of time before my low position leads me into something bad. 

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