Summer, Year xx30

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          Ebony and I are leaving for America even as I write this now. The last two decades have been more than I could have hoped for. I had never realised just how much Lord Ryan was impacting my life until I knew he was dead. I've never realised how much freedom I didn't have. (I might even consider growing my hair out, as a kind of rebellion against what Lord Ryan wanted.)

          I don't know what will await us in America. I only know that there is nothing left for me or her here. A new land will be a good thing for us. The humans on board won't even suspect us. We will keep to ourselves in our own part of the ship. There is plenty of vermin and things on this ship that we can live off of. Perhaps not the most nutritious and appetizing blood, but it is better than drawing attention to ourselves with humans disappearing.

          I have never been on a boat before. This is an entirely new experience. Despite how long I have been alive, there are still new things to learn and know for myself. However, I must admit that the night sky I never tire of. The stars burn even brighter out here in the middle of the ocean. I can only hope they are the same in America.

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