Summer, Year xx49

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          I went against it. That whispering, subduing presence in my mind. It became too much. I could not take it anymore and I went against him. It was a mistake. I knew that as soon as it happened. It was like something inside me broke and I reacted in the same way a beast would. I had promised myself I would not become one, yet it was only a matter of time. I'm a monster. I cannot escape that fact anymore.

          I attacked my sire. I went against everything I have tried to work for. I attacked him and tried to kill him. I knew it was foolish. That it was pointless. But I still did it. I am lucky he did not strike me down there. That he did not throw me out to the sun's grasp or give me to the hunters I have heard are becoming more prevalent. I deserved what happened to me. I know that now.

          He locked me in that room again. I do not know for how long. It was long enough, or perhaps not long enough. It was the tamest thing he did.

          When he came for me again, he was the angriest I have ever seen him. He dragged me from that room. I was nearly starved then. He chained me and he whipped me. I have never known such pain before. If I was still alive, I would have died three times over at least. But since I am not, he just kept going. Enough that I fainted because of it and woke up in the room once more. Lord Ryan had been kind enough to wrap my wounds so they would close easier. I would have thanked him for that if I could speak.

          Most everything else is blank. I assume that was the point I slipped into the frenzy blackout state. I do not know how long it lasted. I only knew that when I was waking, Lord Ryan was there and I begged him to forgive me. To let me come back. That I was sorry.

          His words were honeyed. The sweetest I had heard. It was like all the anger had melted out of him. He touched me and for the first time I didn't flinch back with repulsion.

          He let me come back, despite everything. It was like starting at the beginning. Lord Ryan was more cautious, but more giving than he had been before. Even little steps out of line were stopped with a quick slap, quelling any rebellious urge. Everything done right though was met with encouragement.

          Pretty soon, he gave me back this diary. He said I had been good enough to deserve it again. I feel like more of his pet than before, but it stops getting more marks on my back. It's not such a bad thing.

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