Winter, Year xx45

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          Already it has been 3 years since my last entry. Time seems to be slipping through my fingers like loose sand. I do not want to completely forget the impact of time, even if it doesn't effect me anymore. I feel like it is my one connection to remain somewhat human. If I start to forget what time means, then I seal my fate as a vampire.

          It is hard though. The weeks pass by like days and the months like weeks. As my life continues, I have no doubt it will begin to feel as if the years are weeks. I don't wish for that to happen. If that happens, I will be a monster. I do not wish to be a monster.

          I have decided to work on getting to Lord Ryan's good side, as much as it repulses me. I am tired of being his... pet. More often than not I am expected to spend the night in his room, and when I am not I am brought around like a glorified dog. He has not put a leash on me (at least not for a while). I have not given him a reason to, other than in the beginning.

          It disgusts me, what I am doing to myself. I should want to suffer through the consequences as long as it means I go against him. But I cannot. I cannot even bear the thought of what Lord Ryan might do. I would not be able to go through that empty room, chained to the wall again. The thought alone makes me shudder.

          Christine has already worked her way into Lord Ryan's inner circles. She's respected, and I hate her for it. She looks at me like I am filth. I feel her stares when I pass her in the halls. She is dressed lavishly now, with likely many more freedoms than I. We do not speak much.

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