Summer, Year xx12

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          Ebony and I have been able to survive on our own for a long time. We move frequently, so human deaths will not become too much in one place and they will start hunting for us, but we are able to spend a fair amount of time in each place we visit.

          Before I was a vampire, I had never left my town. Now I was exploring all of France with my beautiful childe at my side. I hesitate to call her a childe, even though that is the official term for it. It seems too degrading. She was almost everything that I wasn't. Even within a few years of knowing each other she got me out of more than a couple unpleasant situations.

          Everything I taught her came to her like second nature. Like she was born to be a vampire. Without her, I would still be stuck in Lord Ryan's manor.

          And yet, that only heightened the feeling that something was wrong. I am not sure when I first realised it. Perhaps it came to me like in a dream. But there was no doubt in my mind that something was wrong.

          Thoughts of Lord Ryan still plague my mind from time to time. His honeyed words and burning stare. The more I am away from him, the more I grow to hate him again. There had been a period (it seems like in a fog upon recollection) where my hate for him had faded, masked by something in its place.

          Eventually, I knew that I had to do something about it. I have to. I talked with Ebony about it last night. I'm not going to pretend that I'm doing it so that no other human is turned into his childe. He is a cruel sire, yes, but I am not doing this for the good of others. I'm doing this for me. So that I may finally free myself from his grasp.

          He will burn.

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