Chapter 44: Asgard

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THE NEXT FEW HOURS pass in a blur. After arriving in Asgard, and being absolutely dumbfounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of the citadel, Anna sits in a corner of the infirmary whilst the healers work on Loki in the next chamber. Head in her hands, she sighs as she counts the seconds ticking by slowly. Without a phone, watch, or clock, it's impossible to tell how much time has passed, but it feels like its been ages. Then again, this is a different world - literally. Who knows if time passes the same way?

A gentle hand rests on Anna's shoulder, prompting her to jerk upright. Her blue eyes are red-rimmed and puffy, no longer a vibrant blue-grey, her expression is clouded with sadness and worry.

"I apologize for startling you, my dear," The woman standing in front of her says. Incredibly regal, the woman's long strawberry blonde hair is plaited around the crown of her head, the ends streaming down her back in a cascade of curls. Clad in pale blue with golden armor covering her shoulders and chest in a strikingly beautiful fashion, she stands nearly six foot tall.

"Is he..." Anna's voice breaks, but no tears fall. She couldn't cry anymore even if she wanted to, and - at this point - she's decided to be strong for Loki. Whether or not she's successful is another story.

"No, no," the woman pacifies her. "He will be fine, of that I am certain. I simply thought you might wish to...freshen up, I believe is how Midgardians would say it?"

Anna looks at her with curiosity only to be struck by the kindness in the woman's eyes, "I shouldn't. He might wake up...I want to be here..."

The woman laughs, a delightfully airy sound, "If I know Loki, he won't wake up without an audience. You are in no danger of missing him. Besides, Odin will want to speak with you soon, and we can't have you looking disheveled."

"Odin?" Anna questions. "As in...Odin? The king, Odin?"

"Is there another Odin?" The woman lifts a playful eyebrow, reaching to grab Anna's hand and pull her to her feet. She wraps an arm around her shoulders, guiding her out of the chamber and into the gilded corridor.

"What thoughts do you have of Loki?" She asks Anna after a moment of silence, keeping her voice low.

"He..." Anna swallows, reminding herself of her promise to stay strong. She won't be one of those weeping women who depend upon men. "He is a conflicted man."

The woman nods, "How very diplomatic of you."

Anna flushes pink, realizing that the woman is poking fun at her answer, and continues, "It's just that there is this...darkness in him, but I don't believe it's his nature. I think that he believes it is, which makes it all the more difficult to overcome, but..." she pauses, remembering his vow to protect her and their first kiss, "he is a good man."

"And you care for him?" She asks.

"I haven't...I mean, I don't..." Anna smiles at herself. "Yes. Yes, I care for him. Far more than I wanted to."

They pass various guards, servants, and nobles, all of whom bow their heads in respect toward Anna and her guide. The woman simply smiles, gently steering Anna through the halls and into a lavish set of chambers where a flock of handmaidens await.

"Oh, I don't..." Anna begins to object, trying to step away from the eager hands of the young women.

"Nonsense," The woman waves her off, allowing the onslaught of the handmaidens. "You have saved the life of my son. Helping you prepare to meet my husband is the least I can do."

Anna's eyes widen as she croaks, "Son?"

The women all laugh at her shocked face as she realizes that Loki's mother - the queen - had just led her through the halls of Asgard. Her cheeks burn red. She just told the queen of Asgard that she, a human, has feelings for her son.

"Yes, my child," The queen tells her. "My name is Frigga, mother of Loki and Thor."

Before Frigga ducks out of the chamber, Anna could've sworn that the queen gave her an ornery wink, and she finally releases the breath she had been holding in. The swarm of women begin to remove her ragged clothing while she replays the conversation in her mind, and she lets them push her into a steaming bathtub of water scented with something similar to lavender and chamomile. Scrubbing every inch of her clean, soon she is out of the bath and clothed in a powder blue gown while two women braid her hair behind her.

The dress floats down over one shoulder, tight around her chest and skimming down over her waist to the ground. It's softer than any silk she's ever felt before, but the fabric seems surprisingly durable. A single silver pendant hangs from her neck, complementing the way her dress highlights her neck and shoulders, with a long flat rectangle with a single line imprinted down the middle which the women insist is a rune for her protection. To finish her ensemble, the women slip her feet into delicate silver slippers, and a warm navy shawl is wrapped around her shoulders.

Once they've finished fawning over her, one of the ladies tucks Anna's arm into her own and guides her back out into the halls. They aren't traveling in the same direction Frigga brought her, something which causes a pang of distress to shoot through Anna, until the woman stops abruptly in front of a pair of giant golden doors with a guard posted on either side.

"My lady," she says with a small bow, turning to walk away.

"Wait," Anna calls after her. "What am I supposed to do?"

The doors behind her open, so Anna spins and gasps at the sight of the throne room.

"Come," a booming voice echoes through the hall, beckoning her to step inside. A man sits on an ornate golden throne in the distance, one eye covered by a golden patch, and a large scepter in one hand.


Now playing: "Inside Out" by The Chainsmokers.

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