Chapter 10

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When I close my eyes and try to sleep, I fall apart, I'm fighting hard to breathe


| Bailey |

When I was little, I never worried about anything important. I worried over the stupidest things, like if I would get invited to someone's birthday party or what color crayon to use for my drawing. I worried about whether Ashton would want to bring me with him to his friend's house so I could entertain myself by annoying him or if Arden was bringing her friend over so I could show off how big I was getting.

Those worries were nothing.

I find myself thinking about those days quite often now. I don't really have much else to do around here but sit in my room and think. I'm not capable of much else these days. That's what sucks the most. I feel helpless, just sitting here and thinking about my childhood. Mom can't even leave me home alone anymore because she's worried something could happen. I'm sure it's entirely possible, but that doesn't make me feel any better as I lay in my bed and listen to Arden argue with mom downstairs.

"Mom, I can't! I'm supposed to meet Tom in an hour!" Arden complains.

"Well you'll have to wait, because this can't. I have to run into work for a few hours. Waiting that long to see your boyfriend won't kill you," mom argues back. I let out a long sigh.

Oh, how I wish I could turn back time.

"Hey, you feeling any better?" Mom's voice interrupts my thoughts and I turn to face her. My tear stained cheeks must give it away, because she sighs and sits herself next to me on the bed.

"It's been two days," I whisper, glancing down at my phone. I knew he would be upset and need space, but I didn't think he'd get as upset as he did. I've never seen Ashton like that before; he isn't one to get angry and he certainly isn't one to raise his voice and go around punching things. To be honest, he frightened me.

"I know darling. He needs time to process, to hurt, to grieve," mom says as she gives me a hug.

Grieve? He hasn't lost anyone, why would he be grieving? I shake the thought away and sigh as mom pulls back to look at me.

"I have to run into my work office for an hour or two, will you he alright here with Arden?" She asks, placing her hands light on my shoulders. I nod, "Mhm, Melia's supposed to come over too," I tell her. Mom nods and kisses my forehead. I follow her downstairs and flop down on the couch. A few minutes later, Melia skips down the hall and into the living room. Arden smiles and her and Melia returns it.

"So, how are things?" She asks softly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I shrug, "The same. I've given up on calling and texting Ashton because I know he needs space." Melia nods and I lean my head on her shoulder. "Do you think he hates me?" I question.

"Of course not," Melia is quick to answer. "He's your brother, he can't hate you. I'm sure he's not happy with you right now, but he could never hate you. He just needs time," Melia assures me. I hope she's right. Luckily, she usually always is.

"What would I do without you," I hum, wrapping my arms around her.

Our little cuddle session is cut short when my phone starts ringing. I quickly grab it, praying its Ashton. My heart falls when I see that it's Luke. Oh boy.

I'm close with all the boys, but not as close as I am with Ashton. They usually don't call me personally when they're away, they just pop in during Ashton's calls. Why is Luke calling?

I answer and put the phone to my ear, "Hello?" My voice is quiet, because I'm nervous. Did Ashton tell them? Is he mad at me?

"Hey," Luke says flatly, "How are you?"

"I'm okay, I guess. I'm guessing Ashton told you?" I question.

"Yeah, he did." Luke's voice is almost monotonous, but it's also laced with sadness.

"Why would you wait this long to tell him, Bailey? You guys are so close, how could you keep something like this from him?"

Of course he's on Ashton's side. Who wouldn't be? It makes sense he's upset, he has every reason to be upset.

I swallow hard. I feel like I've explained this a billion times now. I do so once again, and there's a long pause.

"That's bullshit, Bailey. Ashton is absolutely devastated, and you not telling him right away and lying about it for so long made it ten times worse. It was just plain selfish, and cruel to Ashton. He deserves better."

He deserves better.

"Alright, that's enough!" Arden snaps, snatching the phone from my loose grip.

"Look, she made a mistake, okay? Do you have any idea what she has to go through? She's a kid who's not even allowed to be a kid anymore, she's staring death in the face and is still alive. I can't even fathom how hard this must be for her, and you and Ashton yelling insults in her face and making her feel like a terrible human being isn't helping. Ashton's upset, you're upset, Michael and Calum are probably upset, too, but that gives you no right o harass her the way you are, so back the hell off." With that, Arden hangs up and tosses the phone onto the couch opposite us. She turns to me and opens her arms, and I can't control the sobs that escape my mouth.

"Shhh, it's okay. Everything's going to be okay, Bai. Just give them some time."

I don't think I've ever wanted to be five years old again more than I do right now.

A/N - Yikes, another dramatic chapter. Do you agree with what Luke said to Bailey? Do you think he and Ashton are overreacting? Let me know, leave me comments! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Xoxo - Em:)

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